
What’s not to like? A splendid springtime Friday in Washington.



Fault exists everywhere, and perfection may be unattainable. With that said, it still appeared that the pleasures of Friday in Washington were almost beyond meteorological challenge and seemed to symbolize much of what we seek in a spring day.

The sun shone upon us on Friday with the same intensity and duration that we recognize from late July. But this May brightness did not require payment in the form of Washington heat and Washington humidity.

On Friday, we received the springtime benefits of extended daylight amid the 70-degree temperatures that draw complaints from few. Our high reading, 75 degrees, seemed representative of all readings in the 70s, and of the comforts we derive from them.

Spring in Washington seems a time when merely conforming to the norm confers virtue. Friday’s high reading almost matched Washington’s 77-degree average high for May 19, and many of us seemed unwilling to quibble about the two degree shortfall.


It is true that Friday did not include all blue skies and fleecy white clouds of the sort familiar from picture postcards and dreams of a lost paradise. Many gray clouds drifted above us, and near sunset seemed heaped and banked on the western horizon.

Washington is always about the public’s business, and in May, we have many other preoccupations, too. Weather may affect them all. They may include, but are not limited to, preparing for graduation, looking for a first apartment, dining outdoors or loading the car to leave for the summer.

Rain may occasionally interfere with some or all, but despite the many clouds that could be seen on Friday, none brought or even threatened rain. As of 9 p.m., there was no trace of it.

Nor was there humidity to speak of, the dew point was no concern, and nothing prompted calculation of a heat index Indeed, we did feel a breeze, enough to cause branches to nod and sway, but there was certainly no wind chill.

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