
Terp Firsts Share Stories of Strength



As a first-generation college student, Susan Rivera felt one step behind. She showed up on her first day at Indiana University with the wrong size sheets, not knowing the dorm beds were extra-long. She had never heard the term “graduate school” until she overheard it one day during class.

“I remember thinking, ‘What are they talking about?’ but was too embarrassed to ask,” said Rivera, who eventually earned her doctorate and is now dean of the University of Maryland’s College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. “But the good thing about having that experience, is that I can see things through that lens. It informs the way I lead a lot.”

Words of reflection from students, faculty and staff who were first in their family to graduate from or attend a four-year college will line the Stamp Student Union’s ground floor lobby today as part of the university’s participation in the annual National First-Generation Celebration on Wednesday.

Created in partnership with UMD’s Academic Achievements Programs and the Division of Student Affairs, the exhibit puts a face to the strength, intelligence, creativity and fearlessness it takes to navigate the rigors of college life without the wisdom of a parent or caregiver’s experience, said Bridgette Behling, associate director of leadership, engagement, advocacy and diversity for the Stamp.


“We really want to continue to build awareness on campus and let students know they are not alone. We have a beautiful, strong first-generation community here at Maryland,” she said.

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Around 20% of UMD’s undergraduate student body is first-generation college students. Beyond wading through the complexities of college applications, financial aid and course selections, many first-gen students also juggle school with family and work; according to the Center for First Generation Student Success, the median family income of first-gen students is less than half of continuing generation students.

“It was a struggle and a lot of pressure,” said Maria Reyes ’23, who is applying to graduate school after completing a family science degree. “I felt like I was doing this, in a way, for my family. Now I look back on it and feel like I have a source of something that can create better opportunities.”

The exhibit also demonstrates that first-gen students are in good company: A number of faculty and staff at Maryland were also once the first in their families to graduate from college from Rivera to university President Darryll J. Pines.


“Our first-gen students have very different stories, but the guidance, opportunity, motivation and support they require to navigate the maze of college has always been constant,” said Jerry Lewis, director of the Academic Achievements Programs, who was also first in his family to go to college. “Identifying as a first-generation student is a way for other students, faculty and staff to say, ‘I’ve gone through what you’ve gone through, you can come to me.’ Being a first-gen student shouldn’t preempt your ability to achieve your goals.”

As Maryland’s first-gen community grows, so will the project: A photo booth and cards will be available for students, faculty and staff to add their story to the existing collection, inspiring future first-gens for years to come.

Read on for a glimpse at some of the stories from the gallery exhibit:

Dulce Ortiz ’26, criminology and criminal justice

“I was raised in a household where college was the next step. It was kind of set in stone, in a good way. My parents came to this country from Guatemala in their 20s and English isn’t their first language; they haven’t been able to help me in the ways that my friends’ parents could. But I’ve found mentors along the way who have provided a sense of support. I’m best friends with my high school guidance counselor; not many people can say that! College is so big compared to high school, but as long as I can keep finding those people and places of support along the way, I know I’ll be on the right track.”


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