Maryland’s librarians already take steps to protect young readers | READER COMMENTARY
In the recent article, “Maryland poised to lead fight against book bans at school, community libraries” (March 15), some local Republican public officials are quoted, including Del. Chris Tomlinson, Sen. Jason Gallion, Del. Lauren Arikan and Del. Kathy Szeliga. The common theme emerging from these politically conservative Marylanders is that Maryland public school librarians have nothing substantial to offer regarding the protection of young minds from prurient interests.
In fact, Maryland public school librarians are exceptionally well-trained in how to choose age-appropriate, intellectually enriching reading material for public school library collections. Each local Maryland-based educational system posts clearly defined policies set forth to maintain these public school library collections while protecting the minds of young readers.
Additionally, for those who feel a need, each local public school library also provides a formal policy for re-consideration. Anyone with opposition to an item or items on the shelves of Maryland public school libraries have a system of formal policies that can be brought to bear for mounting a challenge.
— Richard Schoen, Reisterstown
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