
Maryland school overcrowding requires bigger shakeup | READER COMMENTARY



The recent editorial on school overcrowding correctly suggests that boundary changes have to be considered to alleviate overcrowding (“In Baltimore County, a failing grade on school overcrowding,” May 22). However, I doubt that this would solve more than a small percentage of the problem.

How do we hold a school board accountable when five of the 12 members (41%) are not elected, but are appointed by the governor? I would like to suggest that we look at school districts across the nation to see how they are managed. You will find that Maryland is one of only five states that does not have funding that is independent of county or municipality control. Why does Baltimore County Public Schools have to beg for funding from the county?

Here’s my suggestion. First, all school board members should be elected. Next, give the school board the ability to ask district voters for tax revenues for school construction and operations. Taxing authority should include the assessment of “impact fees” on housing construction so that the district could provide suitable facilities and address overcrowding. Let the school board have the authority and then they can be held accountable.

I understand that implementation is not that simple. But if 45 states can do it, Maryland can do it, too.


— Larry Williams, Towson

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