
Maryland officials urge caution as strong storm sweeps Delmarva – 47abc



MARYLAND – Maryland officials are closely monitoring the storm sweeping Delmarva Tuesday night.

With that storm, comes dangerous driving conditions. Drivers can stay up to date on road closures by clicking here. However, Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) officials say drivers should avoid the roads all together. If Marylanders do need to get behind the wheel, extreme caution is encouraged.

“Drive much slower than [you] typically would,” said MDOT Community Relations Manager for the Hanover Complex, Laila Jones. “The posted speed limit signs are for ideal weather conditions… If you see high water, turn around, don’t drown.”

Jones also advises drivers to be cautious around roadway debris. Additionally, she advises drivers to treat any non-working stop light like a four-way stop.


“The most important thing is to just be cautious,” Jones said. “Take your time. Don’t rush to get anywhere.”

Meanwhile, state emergency management officials are urging similar caution around electrical hazards.

“Any time you see a power line down, assume that there is power going through it. Don’t get anywhere near it,” said Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEM) public information officer, Ed McDonough. “Make sure to alert your local 911 center.”

With those downed lines and high winds, can come outages; something that thousands of Marylanders experienced Tuesday night.

“Keep your devices charged,” McDonough said. “Have a plan in place in case you lose power in your home for awhile. And, just be safe.”


McDonough says that MDEM is also keeping a close eye on flooding in coastal areas. Areas like Cambridge and Crisfield, in particular, could see high water, says McDonough.

“The National Weather Service is predicting moderate, and perhaps, major flooding at some of the tidal gauges,” said McDonough. “So, if you live in an area that is prone to tidal flooding, be prepared for that.”

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