
‘Fox News Sunday’ on November 6, 2022



This can be a rush transcript of ‘Fox Information Sunday’ on November 6, 2022. This copy will not be in its remaining type and could also be up to date.


Election Day is 2 days away with stability of energy in play and lots of races nicely throughout the margin of error.



JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Democracy is on the poll for all of us.

BREAM (voice-over): Candidates crisscrossing their states deploying their largest names as each events struggle for management of the Home and Senate.

BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT: I am right here to ask you to vote.

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT: You are going to elect the unbelievable slate of Trump America First Republicans up and down the poll.

BREAM: We’ll deliver you reside experiences on the closing arguments within the tightest match ups.


DR. MEHMET OZ (R), PENNSYLVANIA SENATE CANDIDATE: John Fetterman, he retains getting fallacious with excessive, radical concepts.

JOHN FETTERMAN (D), PENNSYLVANIA: Should you by no means had any expertise of truly residing in Pennsylvania, how are you going to ever successfully struggle for Pennsylvania?

BREAM: And ask our Sunday panel whether or not both facet can transfer the needle this late within the sport.

OPRAH WINFREY, TALK SHOW HOST: If I reside in Pennsylvania, I’d already solid my vote for John Fetterman for a lot of causes.

BREAM: Then, a warning from a number one Home Democrat concerning the stakes on Tuesday.


REP. JAMES CLYBURN (D-SC): Shedding this democracy may very nicely be the top of the world.

BREAM: Congressman Jim Clyburn joins us on his stark feedback and what his occasion will do if they arrive up brief.

And Oklahoma’s race for governor heats up with shocking surge by a Democratic challenger in a really crimson state.

JOY HOFMEISTER (D), OKLAHOMA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: I am essential frankly of this governor.

GOV. KEVIN STITT (R), OKLAHOMA: My opponent, she could not see a path ahead for herself as a Republican, so she switched events.


BREAM: We’ll sit down solely with Governor Kevin Stitt on his more durable than anticipated re-election bid.

Plus, pollsters from each side of the aisle, and our all-star election anchor staff inform us what to search for as votes are being counted.

All, proper now, on “FOX Information Sunday”.


BREAM (on digicam): Hi there from FOX Information election headquarters in New York.


After months of predictions and uncertainty, midterms are lastly right here and far of the main target is on the stability of energy on Capitol Hill.

So, let’s check out the place issues proper now. Democrats maintain an eight- seat benefit within the Home and Senate stays in 50/50 cut up with vp giving Democrats the deciding vote when vital.

Now, all of this might change. Proper now, FOX Information energy rankings predict voters will give 47 Senate seats to the Democrats and 49 to the Republicans. That leaves 4 toss-up races to determine management, which means the Senate may go both manner.

This hour, we are going to break all of it down for you with friends from each events, in addition to a staff of pollsters and “FOX Information Sunday” senior political analysts.

Btu we start with staff protection from states with must-watch Senate and gubernatorial races. Aishah Hasnie reside in Atlanta.


However, first, Bryan Llenas is reside in Philly on what has change into the most important Senate race — Bryan.

BRYAN LLENAS, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Shannon, with Pennsylvania Senate race basically tied, former President Obama, former President Trump and President Biden made their closing arguments within the commonwealth on behalf of Democratic Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman and Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz.


BIDEN: Democrats up and down the poll, we have to elect them. We want them badly.

OBAMA: John’s stroke didn’t change who he’s. It did not change what he cares about. It did not his values, his coronary heart, his struggle.


TRUMP: Pennsylvania desperately wants Dr. Ozwithin the U.S. Senate. He may very nicely be the tie-breaking vote.


LLENAS: Fetterman has made this race a referendum on Dr. Ozs persona and character whereas promising to struggle for abortion rights and lift the minimal wage.

Ozhas made it a referendum on Biden whereas promising to decrease crime and inflation.

This race could possibly be determined in Philadelphia suburbs the place gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano’s far proper politics may damage Oz, management of the U.S. Senate is at stake, nevertheless it may take days earlier than we all know the winner, because of Pennsylvania’s mail-in poll course of and the specter of looming authorized battles — Shannon.


BREAM: All proper. We’ll monitor all of it. Bryan Llenas reporting from Pennsylvania, thanks very a lot.

Let’s flip to Aishah Hasnie reside in Atlanta.

Hi there, Ayesha.

AISHAH HASNIE, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Hi there there. Good morning to you, Shannon.

Effectively, each of those huge races in Georgia could possibly be headed for a runoff. Let’s begin with the race for U.S. Senate. Now, in accordance with the newest FOX Information polling on the market, Republican Herschel Walker has momentum going into election day. He has now closed hole with incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock with inflation on the high of thoughts for voters. Walker has been in a position to shore up his base regardless of some severe allegations about forcing two girls to get an abortion, he denies that.


Now, Senator Warnock nonetheless has the benefit amongst independents and he is been courting these voters, campaigning on bipartisanship. Neither candidate is polling over 50 p.c.

NRSC chairman Rick Scott tells me voter turnout is crucial to keep away from a runoff.


HASNIE: Are you prepared for a runoff?

SEN. RICK SCOTT (R-FL): We’re prepared for a runoff, however I imagine we’re not going to have a runoff. He will contact everyone he can contact, get everyone out to vote.



HASNIE: The race for governor is rematch between two huge names and Democrat Stacey Abrams, who made voter suppression her signature concern, might as soon as once more lose to Governor Brian Kemp.

Kemp is up six factors within the newest FOX Information ballot and, once more, Shannon, neither is polling over 50 p.c, which implies this race is also headed for a runoff — Shannon.

BREAM: Take us into December.

Aishah Hasnie, thanks a lot. Reporting from Georgia, good to see you.


It’s time now for our Sunday group, FOX Information senior political analyst Brit Hume, “America’s Newsroom” co-anchor Dana Perino, and Juan Williams, additionally a FOX Information senior political analyst.

Nice to have you ever with us in particular person right now.


BREAM: So, let’s begin with a few of what Aishah talked about there, which was enthusiasm, the turnout, as a result of these polls are shut, that has to occur. Polling seems at enthusiasm gaps in key states. Georgia, Republicans have six-point benefit and Arizona eight-point benefit there.

However whenever you have a look at Pennsylvania, Brit, you spent a whole lot of time there, it is principally a useless warmth.


BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Effectively, it appears to be. If I needed to occur in Pennsylvania race and issues have been the best way they was, the place there not almost the variety of polls we now have now, as a political journalist, you type of assess the panorama, you have a look at the problems, you have a look at the candidates and also you strive to determine now who seems like a winner.

John Fetterman doesn’t look to me like a winner. Nonetheless, the polls say in any other case. So, we’ll see.

You recognize, OzI feel is a candidate, there’s been some controversy about him, whether or not he lives in Pennsylvania and all that. However he’s competent, was competent within the debate, he is competent on the stuff. In the meantime his opponent is, , struggling in stumbling and having bother understanding and wishes closed captioning and so forth. You would not assume it could be that shut, however the polls say it’s.

BREAM: Effectively, Dana, we’re warned by the secretary of state there, be affected person, as a result of that is going to take days, the best way that they depend ballots there. We’ll speak about that a bit bit later within the present. It should take a while earlier than we truly know what’s occurred there.

PERINO: And what’s fascinating is the Republicans have mentioned that Pennsylvania is their O.Ok. Corral, like if they will preserve that seat, and a Republican seat, the trail to a majority is far clearer, as a result of they have numerous different states that the can play with. If it does not occur, then that is likely to be tougher, though a few of these races are fairly good elsewhere.


The factor about Pennsylvania when it comes to pack your persistence Tuesday evening, is you may be capable to know rapidly the Home what that’s going to appear like, however the Senate facet, if we do not have outcomes from Pennsylvania and if Georgia goes to runoff, you continue to won’t know probably till early December who’s going to manage the chamber.

BREAM: It retains us busy and in addition well-fed.

OK. So, all the huge weapons are popping out in Pennsylvania. You bought the present president, two former presidents, movie star endorsements, everyone is popping out on this Pennsylvania race. Nevertheless it’s fascinating that the “Washington Publish” has this headline, Obama in demand as Biden struggles to energise crowds. They are saying he is been flooded, the previous president, with requests from numerous campaigns and lots of the identical candidates who stored their distance from Biden have been wanting to have Obama.

So, Juan, why is he nonetheless the most important draw years after he is been out of workplace?

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Effectively, he has skill as a former president to essentially take pictures that, , I feel President Biden doesn’t have because the president. Now, he does say some wild issues, President Biden.


However I feel additionally President Obama has a bit little bit of a star quotient, if you wish to issue that in now. He is considerably of an icon. I feel he’s the preferred political determine within the Democratic ranks.

However the level of our entire dialog this morning is about turnout, and I feel we have already set a document for turnout in these midterm elections.

Now, the numbers on the board indicated a really excessive degree of enthusiasm, Shannon. It is excessive, I feel amongst Democrats. Look down, you say identical as earlier than, Democrats have been actually enthusiastic in 2020 to vote towards Trump and what they are saying as extremism.

I feel Republicans have now come again and are extremely enthusiastic to vote partly as a result of they determined to come back dwelling, they’ve come dwelling to candidates which McConnell referred to as them questionable high quality. I feel a whole lot of Republicans are going to say, yeah, however I’ll vote Republican. I actually do not like Democrats, I am voting Republican and I feel that is what we have seen on this final section of this marketing campaign and I feel it is why it’s so, so shut.

BREAM: One of many issues that occurred throughout this major contests was that Democrats spent some huge cash to get individuals they really feel have been extra excessive, extra MAGA, they’d say, out of the Republican primaries, pondering they’d be simpler targets within the basic election. “Wall Avenue Journal Opinion” reporting on this, on that New Hampshire race that has gotten surprisingly tight.


They mentioned: Ms. Hassan’s marketing campaign and the nationwide Democratic Celebration have been so positive that they wished to face Mr. Bolduc, her Republican opponent, that the Democrats’ Senate Majority PAC spent greater than $3.2 million within the major, Republican major, to assault his main opponent.

Brit, does a few of this come again to chew them at a few of these candidates win?


HUME: Effectively, it does — it may, Shannon, if some candidates that they so enthusiastically promoted find yourself successful, however what you do not know is how nicely one other candidate would have carried out, in different phrases, in the event that they — extra standard candidates that Republicans supplied had received the primaries, they is likely to be doing even higher.

So, you do not know that. I feel principally the thought of attempting to advertise candidates you wish to run towards within the different occasion is cynical and it isn’t good for — it isn’t good, as they are saying, for democracy.



BREAM: Effectively, talking of that, although, Juan, there’s one report out, I feel it was in “Newsweek”, that mentioned greater than $40 million Democrats have spent on those that they now name election deniers. So, if they’re those who’re on the market backing these of us, are they not accountable partly for that?

WILLIAMS: Effectively, no, I feel, look, if you happen to get right into a struggle, Shannon, you wish to go up towards the weakest opponent so you possibly can win. And for Democrats, the thought and I feel you hear this later whenever you interview Congressman Clyburn, Democrats view a whole lot of the Republicans, Trump-backed Republicans as extremist, as a menace to democracy. I feel it is 70 p.c assume there’s a menace for various causes to democracy.

That argument has been a part of the closing message coming from Democrats, and when it comes to the technique, they need these candidates as a result of they assume it makes it more durable for suburbanites, for moderates, for independents to say, oh, yeah, I will vote for that so-called extremist.

BREAM: OK. Effectively, let’s speak about this as a result of, additionally, as we talked about, the previous president is out on the marketing campaign path, President Trump in Florida, now has — we all know he likes nicknames. He is acquired a brand new nickname for the governor there, calling him Ron Desanctimonious.


So, there’s a whole lot of hypothesis about these two in 2004.

Mike Pompeo, former secretary of state below President Trump, says this in a tweet: Not uninterested in successful. Governor Ron DeSantis, you’ve got confirmed conservative insurance policies work. Florida is best for it. Vote for Governor Ron DeSantis.

Shades of 2024 and taking sides there, Dana.

PERINO: Yeah, and I feel that you will — I feel all if this midterm, you have got had some individuals pondering, nicely, if this in 2022, then what in 2024? Presidential election will get underway proper after this midterm. President Trump won’t wish to wait and who is aware of? I do not know if Ron DeSantis goes to throw his hat within the ring. We do not — we’ve not heard from him but.

A variety of Republicans have had to determine a strategy to get again to unity after actually powerful primaries. That definitely was the case in Pennsylvania, the place Ozand Dave McCormick battled it out in that major, and Ozgot overwhelmed up and he needed to crawl his manner again and he is carried out that now. He is principally tied if not one level forward of Fetterman.


In Florida, after all, Ron DeSantis more likely to win that gubernatorial seat subsequent Tuesday, however that election hasn’t been held but. Everybody will get a alternative for what they wish to say, however Republican unity is what a whole lot of these Republican voters need proper now, as a result of they want to push again towards what they see because the Biden administration has a nasty factor for his or her livelihoods, their security, the troubles concerning the border, all of these issues fall right into a want to see some Republican unity going ahead.

BREAM: All proper. Panel, thanks very a lot.

Stick with us. Fast break right here.

Up subsequent, President Biden delivered a dire warning about democracy this week forward of the midterms. We’ll sit down with third rating Home Democrat, Congressman Jim Clyburn, who can be elevating eyebrows together with his feedback about what occurs if Republicans win huge.



BREAM: The nation is watching to see which occasion will win management of the Senate, since proper now, it is a leap ball.

However as you will see from our FOX Information energy rankings, the Home is trying a bit extra sure. Proper now, our energy rankings have 26 Home races as toss-ups, both occasion may win.

Now, check out FOX projecting greatest case situation for Democrats this, that they may win 212 seats. That also would give Republicans a majority, however a slim one.

On this potential greatest case situation for Republicans, they may win 249 seats, leaving Democrats with little or no leverage for the second half of President Biden’s time period.

My subsequent visitor says this could possibly be disastrous for the nation.


Becoming a member of me now, South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn, the third rating Democrat within the Home.

Congressman, welcome again to “FOX Information Sunday”.

REP. JAMES CLYBURN (D-SC): Thanks very a lot for having me again.

BREAM: I wish to begin right here with some feedback you made simply a few days in the past.



CLYBURN: That is what occurs in a rustic that follows what occurred in Germany within the early ’30s. This nation is on monitor to repeat what occurred in Germany when it was the best democracy going, elected a chancellor who then co-opted their media, and that is what is going on on on this nation. That’s what will result in the destruction of this democracy.


BREAM: Congressman, you’ve got repeatedly made feedback about Hitler, about Nazism, about Germany within the Nineteen Thirties in recent times. You’ve got gotten a whole lot of pushback from that from Jewish organizations and others who say it belittles the struggling of the Holocaust, of the thousands and thousands who have been misplaced.

Your response?

CLYBURN: I’ve talked to many Jews. Now we have many Jews in my congressional district, and they’re very — supporters of mine. They notice that this can be a stuff that causes these varieties of degradation in democracy. This isn’t something about whether or not — how troublesome it was, I speak about slavery and the way troublesome it was.


However that — to debate the details of what is going on on right here, election deniers organising positions (ph) by which little (ph) committees by governors can overturn the outcomes of election, to name the press the enemy of the individuals, to co-op evangelicals — and I grew up in a Christian religion, in a parsonage, born and raised in a parsonage.

I do know an entire lot about faith, and I do know there’s all the time an try and co-op religions and that is occurring right here.

BREAM: OK, Congressman —

CLYBURN: And folks wish to deny it, that is effective.

BREAM: OK, however —


CLYBURN: However the details are very clear. I studied historical past all of my life.


CLYBURN: I taught historical past and I am telling you what I see listed here are parallels to what the historical past was —


CLYBURN: — on this world again within the Nineteen Thirties —


BREAM: So, Congressman, then —

CLYBURN: — in Germany, in Italy.

BREAM: Okay. Are voters, although, on the market listening to this message to deduce from what you are saying that if they do not vote for Democrats on this election, that they’re by some means supporting one thing akin to the rise of Hitler?

CLYBURN: No, if they do not vote towards election deniers, if they do not vote towards liars, individuals who will lie, know full nicely they’re mendacity, everyone knows they’re mendacity.

This was cleanest election within the historical past of the nation, Donald Trump’s personal appointee mentioned it was the cleanest within the historical past of the nation.


So, if they’re mendacity, they’re denying, they’re attempting to delete, they’re attempting to nullify our votes, vote towards that foolishness.

BREAM: Okay. So, Congressman, to look again on some conversations about election deniers, we have talked about on the present that Democrats have spent greater than $40 million ensuring that a few of these individuals acquired by way of major — GOP primaries in order that they then may face off within the basic election. Do Democrats bear some accountability for placing these individuals now on the poll?

CLYBURN: No, we did not put them up. These individuals —


BREAM: However you spent thousands and thousands to get them there.


CLYBURN: I am sorry?

BREAM: However you spent thousands and thousands to get lots of them there, the place they’re within the basic election poll.

CLYBURN: Effectively, , I examine that. I imagine that it’s best to all the time attempt to greatest place your self to win within the basic election. I am not a proponent of that course of. I perceive it takes place on each side. However I am simply not a proponent of it, however I can perceive it.

BREAM: OK. So, I wish to play a bit bit extra language during the last week from Democrats about what’s at stake on this election.



BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT: Democracy as we all know it might not survive in Arizona, that is not an exaggeration. That may be a truth.

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: However, there’s something else at stake, democracy itself.

CLYBURN: However shedding this democracy may very nicely be the top of the world.


BREAM: OK. So, have been you asking voters to put aside what they really feel concerning the financial system?


As a result of “The Wall Avenue Journal’s” Kimberley Strassel has this piece: Voters have sat by way of this apocalyptic film many instances now, and know its anticlimactic ending. In addition to they’re busy trying to find spare change to cowl their rising grocery payments.

So, put aside financial system and worries about crime that are on the high of all of voter polls about what they’re nervous about, and as an alternative vote for you the place the world is ending?

CLYBURN: No one is saying the world is ending. The world didn’t finish —


BREAM: You probably did say there, although, that it could possibly be the top of the world.


CLYBURN: No, democracy might be ending. The world will live on. The world was right here earlier than Hitler and the world was right here after Hitler. That is what we’re saying.

No, the world is not going to finish. The type of world we now have, the type of nation we now have. We have got to determine how will we wish to exist on this world, and that is what we’re speaking about.

This hyperbole will not be a part of what we’re saying right here. We’re speaking about what sort of nation we now have and how much world we now have.

BREAM: OK. Congressman, simply to be clear, although, I wish to learn your quote. It says: However shedding this democracy may very nicely be the top of the world. That is a direct quote from you.

CLYBURN: Finish of the world, come on.



BREAM: Effectively, a whole lot of voters really feel that manner, whenever you say that. They assume — they’ve the identical response.

CLYBURN: Effectively, if that is a quote from me, it — I misspoke. It will not finish the world.


CLYBURN: No, I don’t know —



BREAM: OK. Effectively, that is excellent news for everybody heading to the poll containers on Tuesday. Lastly —

CLYBURN: However having (AUDIO GAP) one to show historical past, we reside in worlds that we don’t like. My forbearers lived by way of slavery. They didn’t like that existence for 250 years. Nevertheless it was not the top of the world, it might be the top the world as they’d have it, nevertheless it is not going to finish the world.

BREAM: All proper. Effectively, we’re reassured to listen to you say that, sir. We thanks for making time for us, Congressman Clyburn. All the time good to speak with you.

CLYBURN: Thanks very a lot for having me.


BREAM: OK, again now with our Sunday group.

All proper. Brit, response to Mr. Clyburn’s remarks there?

HUME: You recognize, I’ve all the time preferred Jim Clyburn.

BREAM: Yeah, he is very likeable.

HUME: Very good man. He got here by way of as he was saying goodbye to you right now.


However what he’s saying is utter nonsense.

BREAM: Effectively, even he now says it is utter nonsense.

HUME: Effectively, let’s simply put aside this foolish comment concerning the finish of the world, however the entire thing concerning the finish of democracy, and this regularly chorus we hear that claims democracy is on the poll — no, democracy is the poll and what you are principally arguing is that an train of democracy wherein individuals exit and vote for candidates is the top of democracy? It is utter nonsense.

BREAM: Juan, that is the language. You heard it from a number of Democrats who’re on the market saying it, together with the president who gave the final remaining speech, type of his closing remarks, that is what he spent the time specializing in.

WILLIAMS: Once more, I feel — , we’re speaking about turnout and we’re speaking about energizing individuals and perhaps shifting some persuadable, Shannon. And within the aftermath of one thing just like the assault on Paul Pelosi, I feel I’ve seen numbers, polls that signifies near half of Individuals assume there’s a likelihood of actual violence post-election if individuals say I do not like the end result or I feel the end result was a results of fraudulent voting.


And whenever you perceive that the tensions are that prime, that folks in each occasion are saying, oh, there may be potential for violence or there’s an actual assault on politicians and we learn about rising threats to politicians within the nation, I feel that that is why you might be listening to that message loud and clear from Democrats as they attempt to persuade individuals to say, hey, what, there’s something occurring right here, this isn’t your bizarre election.

I agree with Brit. I do not — and I additionally agree with correction from Congressman Clyburn, this is not the top a lot the world. However do individuals assume one thing totally different is within the water? Sure.

BREAM: OK. Look, Juan and Brit, we have gotten them to agree.

WILLIAMS: That is unbelievable.



HUME: We have been mates without end.

BREAM: Sure, you have got. You guys are each nice guys.

OK. Now, Dana, I wish to ask you about this as a result of Republicans could possibly be the canine that catches the automotive, particularly over on the Home facet, they will have to manipulate, based mostly on what sort of margin they find yourself with on all of the projections. “Washington Publish” says this: The brand new class of combative MAGA candidates are poised to roil the Home GOP. It says: Laborious- line Republican good points in Congress may elevate calls for for impeachment, investigations and a debt ceiling showdown.

So, how does potential Speaker McConnell deal with this?

PERINO: I feel that “The Washington Publish” missed alternative to additionally speak about how McCarthy has recruited essentially the most numerous class of candidates that the Republican Celebration has ever seen — girls, African-Individuals, Indian- Individuals, you have got Hispanic, Latino. I imply, you have got all these totally different faces and voices and experiences which are about to win.


So, let’s simply see what the margin is earlier than we begin pondering that there are three people who find themselves going to spoil democracy.

The opposite factor is that the Democrats knew on January twenty first, 2021 that they have been going to — more likely to lose the Home and perhaps the Senate within the midterm. That’s how democracy works and I feel the hyperbole clearly needs to be taken again. Generally you say issues within the marketing campaign that you simply would not essentially wish to say.

The voters are going to get to lastly have their probability to have their voices heard. My final level is that this, that the effectiveness of the democracy, the top of democracy has been so weak, whenever you have a look at the numbers, the best messaging has been that, for instance, Maggie Hassan, the senator of New Hampshire, voted with Joe Biden, 96.4 p.c of the time. That message has caught with the voters up there, and that is why the Democrats at the moment are whining that they could finish with an election denier in the US Senate that they helped elect.

BREAM: Yeah, we talked about that. Hundreds of thousands poured into that race in New Hampshire by Democrats attempting to get Bolduc by way of the first which they efficiently did.



BREAM: And we’ll see how that seems.

OK. Panel, thanks very a lot. We’ll see you subsequent week.

Up subsequent, Arizona is rising as one in every of Tuesday’s largest battlegrounds with toss-ups, and the races for Senate and governor. We acquired a reside report from there.

Plus, my one-on-one with Governor Stitt of Oklahoma. He finds himself in a really tight race there.

We’ll deliver up pollsters from each events on what to make of the information. He is with us. It is all within the remaining stretch, subsequent.



BREAM: Effectively, a lot of the nationwide focus has been on struggle for the stability of energy within the Senate and the Home. Voters in 36 states will even decide their governors on Tuesday. And we’re seeing some surprises in these races, together with in Oklahoma, the place a Republicans switched occasion is to run towards the sitting Republican governor.

In a minute we will communicate with that governor, Republican Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, about his struggle to remain in workplace.

However first, Alicia Acuna reside in Tucson, Arizona, the place the struggle for the open governor’s seat can be producing loads of headlines there.



ALICIA ACUNA, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Completely. Good morning, Shannon.

The 2 candidates for governor right here couldn’t be extra totally different. Democrat Katie Hobbs, and present Secretary of State, licensed President Biden’s Arizona win in 2020. A victory Republican and former native information anchor Kari Lake denies even occurred. Democrats have introduced in huge names, like former President Obama, to assist out. Not just for Hobbs, however incumbent Senator Mark Kelly, who watched a snug lead over Republican Blake Masters disappear within the remaining weeks. An argument could possibly be made, Masters’ surge got here from extra appearances with Lake.

Former President Trump has rallied right here too, however the combative Lake has confirmed to be a headlining attract her personal proper.

Now, Shannon, all of that is occurring as incumbent governors nationwide are discovering themselves in tighter races than anticipated. Inflation and frustration that voters have over it has reached a fever pitch. So, making the argument for one more go on the job is proving to be fairly troublesome.



BREAM: Alicia Acuna, in Arizona.

Thanks a lot, Alicia.

Becoming a member of us now Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt.

Welcome again to FOX NEWS SUNDAY. And I’ve to warn our viewers, there’s a bit little bit of a delay between the 2 of us However good to have you ever again.

GOV. KEVIN STITT, (R-OK): Hey, nice to be again with you guys.


BREAM: OK, so, Governor, initially, I wish to ask how of us are doing down in southeast Oklahoma. I do know you had some horrible storms, an enormous twister roll by way of there.

STITT: Sure, I truly was down in southeast Oklahoma yesterday visiting the oldsters on the bottom, getting all of our turbines, getting all of our state assets. I had a name with the FEMA director yesterday, and Homeland Safety. So, we’re doing every little thing we will to ensure our locals have all of the assist that they want and simply on the bottom.

Nevertheless it’s the Oklahoma customary that I noticed firsthand. They have been serving to one another out. They have been already on the market with chainsaws and – and clearing the particles. We have been working with our utilities to guess that again on.

And it may have been quite a bit worse. We — we had one fatality, a 90-year- previous man. And – and so we’re clearly praying for him and his household.

BREAM: And we’ll be praying in your state as nicely. The photographs are simply heartbreaking to see the devastation. However as we mentioned – as you mentioned, I do know the great of us there rally round one another to assist out.


Let’s get to your race now. “The Oklahoman” saying this, in concept, Stitt ought to skate to a second time period on November eighth after Trump received Oklahoma by 33 factors within the 2020 presidential election. Which begs the query, why is that this such a decent race?

STITT: Effectively, first off, we predict the silent majority are going to come back out and we will have an excellent evening on Tuesday evening. However the cause it is a tight race is as a result of there’s been unprecedented {dollars} spent towards me, the tune of $50 million to unfold lies and chaos. And simply to make that equal for the nation, that might be like $600 million being spent within the state of Virginia. And so I will inform you this, the – the – the — the disinformation is simply unbelievable. They’re actually sending out fliers to individuals in rural elements of our state saying that I’ll shut the agricultural faculties. Nothing could possibly be farther from the reality. I truly put extra money in schooling than some other governor earlier than me. We’re happy with our document. I’ve the most important financial savings account in state historical past. We reduce taxes for each single Oklahoman. We have been deregulating. And proper now we’re quantity 11 within the nation in individuals shifting to the nice state of Oklahoma. So, the financial system is – is – goes nicely right here However they’re conflating the difficulty and so they’re – and a few of these lies and that chaos that is being unfold is making it tighter than it needs to be.

BREAM: Let’s speak about your opponent, Pleasure Hofmeister. Till final yr, she was a Republican. She switched to the Democratic Celebration. And this is her clarification for that.


JOY HOFMEISTER (D), OKLAHOMA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: Our governor hijacked the Republican Celebration. He is driving our state into the bottom. I’m aggressively average. All the time has been.



BREAM: She says that you have pulled the occasion too far to the suitable and others have made the Republican Celebration a spot she could not keep anymore.

Your response?

STITT: Effectively, pay attention, if – if believing in conventional household values and never having males compete in lady sports activities is – is – is pulling for — too far to the suitable, I do not see it. Oklahomans overwhelmingly agree with us on conventional household values. If believing in smaller authorities, decrease taxes and deregulation is pulling us to the suitable, I will gladly stand for that.

However, , these events that attacking the oil and fuel business, our jobs in Oklahoma, and never having an sincere dialog about what the American individuals must be power unbiased, that is the actual, , excessive occasion. And they’re those inflicting 40-year highs inflation on the fuel pump and on the grocery retailer. And it is actually all concerning the Democratic Celebration, which my opponent, when she could not see a path ahead for herself, she ended up flipping events. And I feel Oklahoma can see proper by way of that.


BREAM: OK, let’s speak about some of the well-loved, well-known Oklahomans on the market, former Republican congressman, soccer star, J.C. Watts. He made an advert endorsing – he is a Republican – your Democratic opponent. Here is a little bit of that advert.


J.C. WATTS (R), FORMER OKLAHOMA CONGRESSMAN: I used to be a Republican then and I am a Republican now. And, mates, I am voting for Pleasure Hofmeister. And this scandal and corruption is simply an excessive amount of.


BREAM: OK, Governor, I wish to offer you an opportunity to answer a few of these accusations of corruption and scandal. A federal audit that discovered the state had mishandled $31 million in Covid cash, a legal investigation into thousands and thousands of state contracts with a barbecue restaurant, and in addition, on her web site, your opponent accuses you of funneling taxpayer subsidy advantages to your individual companies. I wish to get you to answer these accusations.


STITT: Effectively, once more, Oklahomans are too good. That is an election season with $50 million in particular pursuits attempting to purchase this election for my opponent. In fact they will be popping out with that stuff.

J.C. Watts, it is disappointing. He is truly on the board of Paycom (Ph). And that — these are a part of the oldsters which are attempting to purchase the election. It is – it is just like the George Soros firm of Oklahoma proper now. So, he is on the board, makes thousands and thousands of {dollars}. He is additionally a contractor with among the different Democratic operatives. And so no shock there.

However Oklahomans can see by way of that. And I feel that is why Individuals are so disenchanted with the lies and the chaos and the mistrust of among the polls and among the issues which are occurring as a result of anyone can say something. It relies on who’s funding that particular person to make these.

BREAM: OK. However, Governor, and I am sorry, it’ll take a second, I must – I must interrupt you hear as a result of I – I wish to just remember to reply these. That was a federal audit. There is a state investigation. After which the accusations about your corporation. Should you may rapidly give us particular responses to these accusations.

STITT: Sure, this is the deal. I imply I am so proud. I began my firm with $1,000 and a pc shortly after school. And we have grown that. Now we have over 1,000 workers right now.


So, lengthy earlier than I turned governor, , we now have some high quality jobs packages with 600, 700 different corporations. And in order that was put in place lengthy earlier than I even ran for governor. And so twisting the reality with one thing that our firm and the personal sector acquired in place lengthy earlier than I used to be governor, together with each different firm – or each different firm that qualifies within the state of Oklahoma is simply nonsense and Oklahomans can see proper by way of it.

BREAM: All proper, Governor, it is positively some of the uncommon races to look at. And we might be, come Tuesday evening.

Thanks, Governor Stitt, for making time for us. Good to see you.

STITT: Thanks a lot.

BREAM: OK, I wish to herald now a few pollsters to speak about this race and lots of others.


Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway and Democratic pollster Mark Penn.

Nice to have you ever with us.

Which of the governors races to you all is essentially the most fascinating?

Kellyanne, let’s begin with you.

KELLYANNE CONWAY, POLLSTER AND FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: What’s most fascinating to me, Shannon, is that when voters go to selected a chief govt, they do not all the time align with their events. So, you see Lee Zeldin in a state, New York, the place we now have not had a Republican governor in 20 some years, preserving it tight with Kathy Hochul. You see out in Oregon, an actual struggle. And that is a spot – Oregon is a deep blue state the place we’ve not had a Republican governor in 40 years.


I am watching Nevada. There was outsized consideration to Adam Laxalt taking over Catherine Cortez-Masto. There’s been outsized consideration to Kari Lake and the Senate race there.

Governor Sisolak, a Democrat, has presided over this state shedding over ten — tens of hundreds of companies which are by no means coming again after the Covid lockdown. He acquired a D for financial improvement after these lockdowns. And persons are very involved concerning the schooling system there.

A man named Joe Lombardo, the Republican nominee, is difficult him. He is a veteran. He was a sheriff for Clark County since 2014, so he is acquired the legislation enforcement and navy background. And he is doing a very good job holding Sisolak answerable for lots of the failings in Vegas.

Our newest ballot exhibits each of them below 50, however Lombardo gaining. In order that’s one I am watching.

BREAM: What about you, Mark?


MARK PENN, DEMOCRAT POLLSTER AND FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Effectively, there are half a dozen fascinating governor’s races. However I zoomed in actually on New York as a result of right here Joe Biden received by 23 factors. Hochul was considerably nicely forward. And Zeldin has actually centered on a single concern, crime. And I feel it is a good demonstration of, can this concern of crime actually change politics as we all know it, notably in New York.

And, look, even when he comes inside single digits, I feel it’ll ship a message to Democrat, you possibly can’t ignore crime, immigration and inflation, the core points that folks see of their each day lives.

BREAM: So, we have talked about some polls which have proven some actually substantial swings. And whether or not it is the methodology of the ballot, if it is spot on, I do not know. However let’s speak about one which confirmed up in “The Wall Avenue Journal” this week. It finds that white girls residing in suburban areas who make up 20 p.c of the voters now favor Republicans for Congress by 15 proportion factors, shifting 27 proportion factors away from Democrats since “The Journal’s” August ballot.

Mark, is it outlier? Is it correct? Whether or not you wish to imagine it or not.

PENN: No. You see, truly most individuals do not realization that these voters, say within the Romney election, or most presidential elections, voted solidly Republican. And the impression was that they did not. And when truly the Democrats made headway on them, , within the final midterm, that really was the story. The truth that they’ve bounced again and so they usually are extra thinking about how do – how will we shield our youngsters, crime, inflation, financial sues, how am I going to place meals on the desk, the very fact they’ve bounced again, that is a really, very important discovering. I imagine it is most likely true. And it most likely will make the most important distinction on this upcoming election.


BREAM: Sure, additionally they say that group is likely one of the most motivated to get out and vote.

Now, one thing that makes your life powerful as pollsters. “The Washington Publish” had a bit that mentioned 95 p.c of Individuals don’t decide up these calls once they get them. I do not learn about you guys, but when I do not acknowledge the quantity I do not decide up these calls both.

However “The New York Occasions” had this piece this week that mentioned this concept of non-responsive bias. They mentioned, in 2000, white registered Democrats have been greater than 20 p.c likelier to answer surveys than white registered Republicans. That hallmark of non-response bias seems as if it is again. Total, white registered Democrats have been 28 p.c likelier to answer our Senate polls than Republicans.

How powerful, Kellyanne, does this make it for you guys to do your jobs?

CONWAY: It has been powerful, however I feel that is overstated. And, respectfully, I feel “The New York Occasions” is attempting to perform a little CYA right here. They mentioned Donald Trump had an 8 p.c probability of successful Michigan in 2016.


BREAM: That is true.

CONWAY: A 15 p.c probability of being the president general. He received Michigan and have become the president. So, they – they’re doing this in a manner that they cannot be fallacious.

However, look, I feel there is a strategy to make individuals really feel snug to talk to you. Many Individuals do wish to specific themselves and really feel like they’re taking part and that their voice issues manner forward of the election. I discover it to be very harmful and disappointing to listen to a present and a former president, the Democrats on the market principally scaring individuals away from voting.

You recognize, they’re all on the market saying, election deniers, and Individuals are taking a look at them and saying, you are inflation deniers, you are recession deniers, you are rising crime deniers, you are schooling loss studying and lowered check rating deniers. That is why a whole lot of these girls that you simply talked about are prepared to speak to pollsters, are prepared to come back to the polls and say, look, I am swinging over and the difficulty set is uncomplicated and is easy. It is inflation, the financial system, it is crime, it is immigration, nevertheless it’s additionally schooling. Mother and father, a yr after Glenn Youngkin received that Virginia race and Jack Cittarelli got here shut in New Jersey, Shannon and Mark, mother and father are nonetheless mother and father. They’re nonetheless upset about what they see as a hangover from all the misplaced studying and check scores and so they do not perceive why though children are again on campus and within the classroom, that the left appears to be attacking the curriculum as an alternative of attacking the misplaced studying points.

BREAM: And, Mark, you wrote a bit per week or two in the past on that talked about inflation and people vote who care concerning the financial system essentially the most. You – you warn that it’ll come again to chew the Democrats?


PENN: Effectively, completely. I imply it is the – it is the primary concern within the nation. And the fascinating factor to me is that the Democrats have mentioned menace to democracy is de facto what they’re working this marketing campaign on. You recognize, I feel the Biden administration did menace to democracy, they did scholar loans, they did marijuana pardons, proper, and so they did 1,000,000 {dollars} of fuel out of the petroleum reserve. They didn’t confront these points straight in any significant manner. They turned inflation deniers. And – and that basically, I feel, is a silly technique. We’ll see whether or not or not I am proper. And that was most likely one of many worst methods I’ve ever seen in a midterm. Or they have been proper, they’d some powerful points and so they determined to fully keep away from them.

BREAM: The president’s remaining speech, if we predict – , if we have a look at, , prime time, huge speeches, the place he is calling the nation to concentrate, it wasn’t concerning the financial system. I imply the closing argument was way more concerning the divisive points. And it sounded prefer it was – it was aimed toward those that have been most likely already going to vote Democrats anyway. A missed alternative?

CONWAY: Or may very well have voted in early voting. I feel that the Democrats have a bonus in early voting. They banked a few of these early votes. Most likely a whole lot of pro-choice voters went out early. And – and it is simply the fallacious message for this nation.

And even because the Democrats, in these closing days, Shannon, develop the variety of messengers, they by no means acquired to the core message, that’s animating and motivating Individuals to the polls. Individuals really feel like they’re drowning economically and so they’re on the lookout for pockets of air. Because of this you are going to have Republican evening on Tuesday. And I feel it’ll be a governing majority and a realignment for Hispanic voters and feminine voters who say, I gave the Democrats an opportunity. They’ve simply ignored me. Ignoring the need of the voters and insulting half of the nation is not any manner.

I feel – look, I feel that the Democrats have enraged individuals. That is their technique. Republicans have engaged individuals. They’ve had 100 million voter contacts, 1 million volunteers and so they’ve opened 38 group facilities by way of the RNC the place you possibly can go into your group and discover out what the distinction between a Republican and Democrats is. I might slightly have interaction and enrage individuals. I feel enraging is a failed technique.


BREAM: We’ll see what works on Tuesday evening and within the most likely days and weeks and perhaps months to observe.

CONWAY: Sure, that is proper.

BREAM: Thanks, each. Nice to have you ever there.

CONWAY: Thanks.

BREAM: Kellyanne and Mark Penn, thanks.


Up subsequent, the staff that may lead our protection Tuesday joins us. We’ll take a deep dive into election evening and the weeks to come back and the way it may all play out. They’re subsequent.


BREAM: Political junkies are making ready for some uncertainty on Tuesday, given the actual risk that we might not know the end result in all of the races by the point we go to mattress. It is resulting from a mixture of things, just like the variations between how states run their very own election and the way rapidly these mail-in and absentee ballots are literally counted. So, what ought to we count on?

Right here to interrupt it down for us, our staff goes to steer us, “FOX NEWS ELECTION NIGHT” co-anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.

Good to see you guys.




BREAM: OK. So, Bret, making ready individuals to be a bit bit affected person.

BAIER: Sure. Hear, it’s extremely potential that we have seen an evolution on how these states have handled elections. However a few them are already warning us.

BREAM: Proper.


BAIER: When the secretary of state will get out and says, pay attention, we’d not have it, relying on how shut it’s. The opposite facet of it’s that we might even see this wave develop and we may make calls earlier. However we will be cautious. We’ll attempt to get the vote totals. Now we have a system in place that’s actually correct. We’re attempting to be first, however we will be proper.

BREAM: Precisely.

So, if we do not know, if the mud has not settled in locations like Pennsylvania or in Georgia going to a runoff, I imply, Martha, we’re taking a look at what all of us like to do, however is continuous election protection.

MACCALLUM: Sure. In Georgia you have not seen both candidate actually recover from 50. And that is the edge in Georgia. So we could also be hitting the rewind button and going right into a scenario the place you are going to see a runoff in December for these Senate candidates. In order that’s going to be one thing to look at.

Additionally, simply going by way of state by state and taking a look at once they depend – once they begin counting. A few of them do not begin counting till 2:00 within the afternoon on Election Day.


BREAM: Proper.

MACCALLUM: And a few enable absentee ballots till November 18th. So, if a wave develops, we might be able to see the place this entire factor goes when it comes to majorities within the Home and doubtlessly within the Senate. However there could also be races which are kicking round for fairly a while that we won’t name but.

BREAM: So, we’re all digging into the information day after day. We love these items.


BREAM: It is like so many of those key races are throughout the margin of error. So, a way of how issues are closing?


BAIER: So, it does appear to be Republicans had only a nice previous three weeks or so. Democrats had an excellent summer season. And now it’s all coming to Tuesday. The fascinating half is we now have so many polls which are monitoring roughly the identical. If they’re manner off, we have main points with polling. And we’ll see. I feel we’ll know early within the evening how the evening begins to unfold with these early closings.

BREAM: And “The Atlantic” had an fascinating piece speaking concerning the people who find themselves famous person losers. They are saying Beto O’Rourke and Stacey Abrams. It does not even matter in some instances in the event that they win on Tuesday evening as a result of they’ve developed a distinct type of movie star throughout the occasion.

MACCALLUM: Effectively, I do not know. We’ll see if that lasts.

BREAM: Sure.

MACCALLUM: I imply which may be the case going into Tuesday. However in some unspecified time in the future, as a politician, you need to win, proper? It’s important to win to have that type of gravatas to stay round. It is very fascinating to me what’s occurring in that Kemp/Abrams race and the way it has kind of separated from the Senate race when it comes to what individuals need from their governor.


I imply Brian Kemp has carried out a really fascinating job when it comes to, , threading the needle together with his disputes that he had with former President Trump and his skill to talk to the individuals of Georgia. You recognize, whenever you assume again to what he did throughout Covid, he opened up the faculties very early. He discovered methods to offer individuals tax rebates. So, , it is – there’s such an fascinating dynamic on the market and Stacey Abrams continues to speak about voter suppression, which resonates with some voters little doubt in Georgia. However if you happen to have a look at the polls, it seems like Kemp’s argument seems to be successful at this level and we’ll see what occurs.

BAIER: I’ll say, we’re contemplating the Congressman Clyburn Hawaiian shirts. I imply –

BREAM: We like that.

BAIER: We like that. It was look.

BREAM: Possibly it is a Sunday present factor. We’ll begin doing Hawaiian shirts.


BAIER: Sure.

BREAM: OK, whereas we’re speaking about management of the Senate, the title that involves thoughts so usually as of late in Washington is Joe Manchin. Shortly, Bret, some forwards and backwards with him and President Biden now.

BAIER: Effectively, President Biden’s feedback about coal crops being shut down will not be the message – the closing message for Ohio or Pennsylvania particularly. And Manchin’s assertion concerning the president was actually gorgeous. After which the White Home walked it again saying he is misunderstood. It was not what he meant to say.

Three days earlier than the election, that is a giant dust-up in coal nation. And we’ll see the way it play out.

BREAM: All proper, in the event that they wind up with a Senate that’s nonetheless tied, however Senator Manchin is a part of that, does he – , the place does he go together with that vote? As a result of he is performed ball on some actually huge issues for the president however he feels a bit burned based mostly on that assertion.


MACCALLUM: Sure, I imply it simply jogs my memory of Hillary Clinton sitting across the desk with coal miners in West Virginia and, , them speaking about, , you principally took away our livelihood. That is very delicate territory for Democrats and it appears to be a really tone-deaf assertion on the a part of the president this near the election. And, as soon as once more, we now have a stroll again.

So, it is simply actually a query about how in tune Democrats are with the place voters are of their hearts and minds proper now and whether or not or not that sync-up is occurring and – and Joe Manchin has been, I feel, so much better at determining the place his voters lie for positive.

BAIER: We all know what the administration needs to do. The transition. It is simply not right now. And so saying what he mentioned raises some eyebrows in these states particularly.

BREAM: Sure. And such as you mentioned, Martha, one other stroll again by the White Home.

OK, guys, thanks very a lot.


MACCALLUM: Thanks, Shannon.

BAIER: Thanks, Shannon.

BREAM: Good to see you.

MACCALLUM: Good to be with you.

BREAM: We’ll see you a large number the following few days.


MACCALLUM: Sit up for it.

BREAM: A reminder, you possibly can be part of Bret and Martha tonight additionally on Fox Information Channel for “Democracy 2022: Countdown to the Midterm.” They’ll break down the races that might make the distinction within the battle for management of the Senate and the Home.

My colleague, Invoice Hemmer, and I are going to hitch you as nicely, 10:00 Jap tonight, Fox Information Channel.

Up subsequent, a look forward to our Tuesday evening election particular. I’ve acquired all the small print, subsequent.



BREAM: And a fast programing notice earlier than we go away you this morning. Be part of us for “Democracy 2022” particular protection this Tuesday evening on Fox Information Channel. Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum lead our protection beginning at 6 p.m. Jap. Now we have reporters on the grounds in states all throughout the nation to deliver you the very newest information in what could possibly be a protracted and historic evening.

And you may be part of me right here Tuesday evening proper in your native Fox station for high of the hour updates on all the most important tales.

That’s it for right now. I am Shannon Bream. Have an excellent week and we are going to see you proper again right here subsequent FOX NEWS SUNDAY.


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