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Ron DeSantis Dominates Florida Legislative Session Ahead of Expected Presidential Run



Ron DeSantis Dominates Florida Legislative Session Ahead of Expected Presidential Run


Ron DeSantis

needed, he obtained.

The Florida governor dominated the 60-day legislative session in Tallahassee that ends Friday, racking up conservative coverage victories that can function the spine of his soon-expected entry into the 2024 presidential race. These wins might increase him within the GOP major contest—at the same time as some allies are involved about how far to the correct he pushed, notably on abortion.


“We’re actually delivering an enormous agenda,” Mr. DeSantis mentioned this week whereas signing a trio of crime payments, a “very daring agenda that’s actually setting the phrases of the controversy for the nation.”

Mr. DeSantis goals to draw Republican voters on the idea of efficient governing, a part of a distinction he’s making an attempt to make with former President

Donald Trump,

who has grown his lead within the GOP major. Mr. DeSantis is anticipated to announce in Could or June, and subsequent week he’ll make one other go to to Iowa.


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, with Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, visited the early-voting state of Iowa in March for a cease on his ebook tour.



Over the course of the legislative session, Mr. DeSantis marshaled a Republican supermajority to move payments permitting folks to hold hid weapons with out permits; cracking down on unlawful immigration; banning Chinese language residents from shopping for land within the state and prohibiting state and native governments from contemplating environmental, social justice and governance elements, or ESG, in funding selections.

He secured restrictions on drag reveals and on faculties’ spending on range applications whereas limiting the usage of most popular pronouns in Ok-12 colleges and banning gender-affirming look after transgender minors. He backed a significant school-voucher growth, made it simpler to impose the demise penalty, broadened his authorized battle with

Walt Disney Co.


and signed a six-week abortion ban.

Mr. DeSantis signed the abortion laws late at evening and has talked about it little since then. A Wall Road Journal ballot carried out in April confirmed that 68% of Republican major voters nationally favored a six-week ban, however 53% of voters general opposed it.

“He clearly is making an attempt to run to Donald Trump’s proper on that situation since Trump antagonized pro-life forces by blaming them for the 2020 Republican losses,” mentioned GOP pollster

Whit Ayres.

“I presume he’s considering you may’t face the problem of a basic election in the event you don’t win a major.”


Together with the abortion situation, permitting folks to hold a hid handgun with no allow might additionally show difficult in a basic election. The Journal ballot confirmed 56% of GOP major voters supported that proper, whereas 65% of general voters have been in opposition.

Mr. DeSantis has portrayed himself as unbowed by criticism as he pursues a largely conservative agenda. He has sought to distinction his placing “factors on the board” with Mr. Trump’s polarizing and typically chaotic tenure and has pointed to Republican losses within the final three main election cycles.

“We imagine in simply main. And we don’t suppose you’ve obtained to place a finger within the wind, we don’t fear concerning the media,” Mr. DeSantis mentioned at an occasion Thursday. “On situation after situation, I feel we’ve delivered, and delivered in a very, actually large method.”

Privately, some GOP lawmakers grumbled about Mr. DeSantis’s dominance and what they see as his “my method or the freeway” strategy. 

Former Republican state Sen.


Jeff Brandes

mentioned Mr. DeSantis’s agenda has taken consideration from some urgent state points, together with affordability questions over housing and insurance coverage and a confused state jail system. “When the key points you might be discussing are issues that enable you get on Fox Information, it means not specializing in meat and potato points,” he mentioned.

Former Florida Sen. Jeff Brandes mentioned that Mr. DeSantis’s agenda distracts from different urgent state points.


Wilfredo Lee/Related Press

Nonetheless, Florida legislators handed Mr. DeSantis presents to ease a White Home bid: altering state regulation so he received’t must resign to run for president and shielding his previous and future journey information from public disclosure, making it arduous for political opponents and reporters to scrutinize his actions and use of taxpayer cash. 


His power in Tallahassee, coming off a landslide re-election win in November, might not essentially journey with him to early major states.

Mr. DeSantis, 44, has at instances struggled on the nationwide degree, each with coverage and his private type, and he has confronted unrelenting assaults from Mr. Trump. Some distinguished donors have signaled considerations over his combined feedback about Ukraine and the abortion invoice. Various Republicans, together with some in Florida, have expressed unease over the Disney feud. 

Billionaire Republican donor

Peter Thiel

informed the Truthfully podcast Wednesday that he would help Mr. DeSantis if he’s the Republican nominee however mentioned focusing too closely on “the woke situation” distracts from the financial points that stay on the forefront of voter considerations.


Aides to Mr. DeSantis, who emerged as a nationwide determine by opposing Covid restrictions, are coy concerning the timing of his announcement however say they’re assured of his readiness. 

A brilliant PAC backing the governor has spent thousands and thousands on adverts boosting his profile and will quickly be infused with $86 million at the moment sitting in a state political committee, a legally questionable transfer, in accordance with election legal professionals. The group has added workers in early major voting states and is organizing on school campuses.


Do you suppose Gov. DeSantis’s successes in Florida can translate to the nationwide stage? Why or why not? Be a part of the dialog under.


The Trump marketing campaign has been desperate to level out Mr. DeSantis’s dropping ballot numbers and the indicators that a few of his donors are sad along with his agenda. Mr. Trump has been endorsed by 11 of Florida’s 20 Republican U.S. Home members, whereas Mr. DeSantis has to this point gained just one. However with a number of months to go earlier than major voting begins, many different key Republican officeholders and donors stay up for grabs.

“He’s clearly not as sturdy as he was instantly after this thumping win in November,” Mr. Ayres mentioned. “However far too many individuals need to soar to untimely conclusions. It’s ridiculous to write down off his possibilities earlier than he’s even introduced a marketing campaign.”

Write to Alex Leary at


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Florida Gov. DeSantis signs bill prohibiting intentional release of balloons



Florida Gov. DeSantis signs bill prohibiting intentional release of balloons

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law on Monday that prohibits the intentional release of balloons in most circumstances.

DeSantis signed the bill after overwhelming majorities in the state’s legislature approved the measure. Those who violate the law would be subject to a $150 littering fine.

Prior to the signing of CS/SB 602, Florida law allowed for the release of biodegradable balloons, as well as the release of up to 10 balloons at once. The updated law now eliminates those exceptions.

Related story: DeSantis tweaks Florida book challenge law, blames liberal activists


The law has exceptions for government research balloons, such as those used by the National Weather Service for forecasting. Also, those under age 6 are exempted from the law.

According to an analysis of the bill, advocates for the legislation say that balloons “can pose a significant danger to wildlife and become a nuisance to the environment.” Advocates for the bill say that balloon debris is among the five deadliest types of marine debris that pose a risk to marine wildlife.

The Coalition for Responsible Celebration has been urging state governments to implement bans on balloon release as it promotes responsible balloon usage.

“The CRC strongly supports HB321, signed into law by Governor DeSantis, which bans the intentional release of balloons,” Maria Stockham, executive director of the Coalition for Responsible Celebration, in a statement. “Balloons bring joy to celebrations. Promoting responsible use and proper disposal ensures that balloons stay out of our waterways and powerlines, contributing to a healthier and cleaner community for all. This law reinforces our commitment to sustainability and the preservation of Florida’s natural beauty.”

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Florida man sneezes his intestines out of his body at restaurant



Florida man sneezes his intestines out of his body at restaurant

A Florida man eating in a diner with his wife recently sneezed so forcefully it caused parts of his intestines to exit his body through a surgical wound, according to researchers.

The case, published in a May 2024 edition of the American Journal of Medical Case Reports, describes the unnamed man as a 63-year-old with a history of prostate cancer.

During treatments for a post-cancer recurrence, he encountered various health complications, and the man underwent a cystectomy, a procedure to remove his urinary bladder, 15 days before the diner incident, leaving him with a healing surgical wound on his abdomen.

The morning of the sneeze, the man’s doctors reported that he was healing well and could remove staples binding the wound together.


He and his wife went out to breakfast at the diner to celebrate.

“During breakfast, the man sneezed forcefully, followed by coughing. He immediately noticed a ‘wet’ sensation and pain in his lower abdomen. Looking down, he observed several loops of pink bowel protruding from his recent surgical site,” the researchers write.

Stunned, the man covered the protuberance with his shirt and considered driving himself to a hospital, but feared changing positions would make the wound worse and called an ambulance instead.

Arriving paramedics covered the wound with a pad and gave the man painkillers, rushing him to a nearby hopsital.

There, measurements showed his vital signs within normal limits.


“Three Urologic surgeons carefully reduced the eviscerated bowel back into the abdominal cavity,” the cast study continues. “They inspected the full length of the small bowel and noted no evidence of injury.”

The journal notes that the case is an important one because it fills in gaps in the literature about dehisence, the bursting of wounds.

“While wound dehiscence is a well-known complication, this case is important because evisceration through the abdominal surgical site after cystectomy is poorly described in the medical literature,” the article concludes.

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Triple-core SpaceX Falcon Heavy launches GOES-U from Kennedy Space Center, Florida



Triple-core SpaceX Falcon Heavy launches GOES-U from Kennedy Space Center, Florida


Double sonic booms sounded through the Space Coast Tuesday afternoon as not one, but two Falcon 9 side boosters landed. GOES-U, the latest weather satellite by the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, was headed to geostationary orbit, 22.236 miles above Earth. Its science should help to revolutionize not only weather imaging here on Earth but look at space weather that could impact our planet.

NOAA’s GOES-U satellite rose into space atop a SpaceX Falcon Heavy from Kennedy Space Center’s Pad 39A. The two-hour launch window opened at 5:16 p.m. EDT, but only an additional 10 minutes was needed to work around weather.


Launching atop a core Falcon 9 booster, supported by two shiny white Falcon 9s — the triple-core Falcon Heavy had given off a blinding five million pounds of thrust at liftoff. After boosting the satellite off the pad, the two new side boosters separated and landed at SpaceX’s Landing Zones 1 and 2 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. The core booster, which was also new, was discarded over the ocean after doing its job.

When is the next Florida rocket launch? Is there a launch today? Upcoming SpaceX, NASA, ULA rocket launch schedule in Florida

Even though the rocket launched on Tuesday, the rocket was a bit late to the launch pad − not arriving until late Monday. SpaceX said an environmental control system, which keeps the satellite free of humidity and protected before launch, had been malfunctioning. This delayed the roll out of the rocket, as SpaceX teams opted to keep the spacecraft in the hanger to protect it until the system was fixed.

What is the GOES-U satellite?

This new weather satellite will not only enable earlier storm detection, but it will give forecasters more time to warn the public of approaching threats. GOES-U will also provide observation of the sun − which has been very active this year − to alert those who need to know about approaching solar flares.


Looking both down at Earth and out at the sun, GOES-U is set to join two other satellites, which are already in orbit as part of the GOES-R series. It will be the last of the GOES satellites, as a new generation of weather satellites is on the horizon.

The first of this series, GOES-R, was launched back in 2016 atop an Atlas V rocket. GOES-U will be the first − and the last − of the GOES satellites to be launched atop a Falcon Heavy.

This satellite will monitor much of the Western Hemisphere, including the Americas, the Caribbean, and Atlantic Ocean.


“National Weather Service colleagues tell us this technology has changed the game for weather prediction and forecasting,” Steve Volz, assistant administrator of NOAA’s Satellite and Information Service, said during a NASA press briefing.

“It is the bridge that connects today’s geostationary satellite technology with the technology of tomorrow, that promises to be more sophisticated and more impactful than what the GOES satellite series currently provides,” he said.

Like Earth technology, satellite technology can only be relevant for so long. GeoXO will be the series of satellites which will follow beginning in the 2030s. Development is currently in process.


SpaceX launch statistics

  • The launch of GOES-U brought SpaceX’s ninth launch for the NASA launch services program.
  • With the launch vehicle first flying in 2018, this was the 10th Falcon Heavy launch to date.
  • As SpaceX is launching Falcon 9 rockets from both coasts, this marked the company’s 65th mission of the year.

Upcoming Falcon Heavy Flights

The next Falcon Heavy launch scheduled is NASA’s Europa Clipper mission, which will be no earlier than October.

As for the next Florida launch, a Falcon 9 rocket will carry a Starlink mission on Thursday from Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 40. SpaceX has not announced a launch time, yet the Geospatial Navigational Warning and FAA Advisory states the launch window opens at 7 a.m. EDT.

Brooke Edwards is a Space Reporter for Florida Today. Contact her at or on X: @brookeofstars.

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