
Potbellied Pigs Are Running Amok in Delaware



Potbellied pigs are working wild in Delaware, alarming agricultural officers and elevating the danger of injury and illness.

There was a major enhance within the variety of potbellied pigs roaming free in residential and rural components of the state, the Delaware Division of Agriculture stated Thursday.

Pet pigs changing into strays is a serious contributor to the issue, the division stated. “Homeowners who can now not handle these animals are more likely to relinquish possession and permit them to roam,” it stated.

Consumers usually don’t understand how giant the animals can grow to be or how troublesome they are often to deal with, the division stated, noting sellers use phrases like micro pigs, teacup pigs and mini pigs.


Potbellied pigs can weigh as much as 200 kilos and may stay as much as 20 years.

The pigs can reproduce at a younger age, state agriculture officers stated. Feminine potbellied pigs can grow to be pregnant at three months outdated and males can breed at eight weeks of age.

The potbellied pig inhabitants first grew to become a nuisance in 2016, the division stated. State officers are involved the roaming potbellied pigs will set up a feral inhabitants, which may result in extra property harm and elevated danger of ailments like swine flu and salmonella.

Feral pigs are a mixture of escaped home pigs, Eurasian wild boars, and hybrids of the 2, in accordance with the U.S. Agriculture Division. Wild pigs have been reported in at the very least 35 states, primarily within the South, in accordance with the division.

Within the Northeast, there are recognized populations of feral pigs in Pennsylvania, Vermont and New Hampshire, in accordance with the USDA.


The wild pigs dig up and destroy crops, the USDA stated. Feral swine can even depart fecal materials in waterways and wetlands, contaminating water sources and growing illness dangers for people, wildlife and livestock.

The Delaware Division of Agriculture is encouraging individuals who personal potbellied pigs as pets to spay or neuter them to forestall unintended litters.

Write to Joseph De Avila at

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