
Blast of cold ending summer-like feel as temperatures will drop 40-plus degrees



Hopefully, you enjoy the unseasonably warm weather this week, because it’s about to change — and not for the better.

With sunny weather and temperatures almost hitting 70 degrees Thursday, it’s hard to believe it’s November. That said, Mother Nature is delivering a dose of reality with a 43-degree temperature drop.


When will the temperatures drop in the tri-state region?

The west-southwest winds we’ve enjoyed will shift this evening will shift to the northwest and temperatures will drop. The high for Friday, according to, is expected to hit 51 degrees and the low will hit 39.

There’s good and bad news for the weekend. While the highs will hand in a November-like range of 55 degrees and 48 degrees, the overnight lows will drop into the low 30s to upper 20s. Thankfully, the skies will be mostly clear so we aren’t expecting any snow.

What to do when it’s freezing outside

Once those temperatures go below 32 degrees, it’s freezing outside. If you are going out, bundle up. People should wear warm clothes, jackets, hats and gloves. For plants, there is little you can do. If you can, move your sensitive plants inside because the cold will likely kill them.

How to prepare your house for cold weather

According to the Department of Energy, with the dropping temperatures, it’s a good time to check your home’s furnace, find drafts in your house, clean out your ducts, change outdoor light bulbs, and make sure your gutters are cleaned out for the coming leaves. Winterize your home while it’s still warm enough during the day to do outdoor chores.


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