Austin, TX

Weapon detection system a force multiplier at Texas school



Campus security is a top priority for schools in Texas. Now, an advanced weapons detection system developed by Austin-based Athena is helping the Lamar Consolidated Independent School District (LAMAR-CISD) add a new layer of security.

Henry Garcia, Chief of Police at LAMAR-CISD, has deployed 24 of Athena’s security systems, which can scan for concealed weapons. “It’s a force multiplier,” Garcia said. “It puts us in a position to see and detect the things we’re not able to see with the naked eye.”

What sets Athena’s system apart from other metal detectors is its evasion detection capability. “It detects people trying to go around the system,” explained Chris Ciabarra, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Athena. “If a guard’s back is turned or someone tries to evade the system, an alert is triggered—an audio alert, a visual alert, and an alert on the officer’s screen.”

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Powered by CEIA OpenGate, the system is designed for faster screening of people with backpacks, purses, and bags. It integrates LIDAR, cameras, and patented AI technology, with the option to include thermal cameras.

Ciabarra highlighted the system’s portability and quick setup, noting its potential as a game changer for airports, hospitals, and school districts. “We see it not only evolving to detect more items but also putting controls around the process. Evasion detection helps security officers protect themselves and keep weapons out of facilities.”

Chief Garcia emphasized the importance of adopting cutting-edge technology to keep campuses safe. “Law enforcement is often behind the curve. To be a progressive and effective agency, you have to embrace technology.”

Athena’s advanced weapons detection system represents a significant step forward in ensuring the safety and security of school campuses across Texas.

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