Augusta, GA

YMCA partners with local schools on swim safety



AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – The hot Georgia heat is kicking into gear as we move closer into the summer months, which means cookouts in the backyard and hitting the pool.

Last year our I-TEAM told you that since the 1990′s drownings among Black swimmers have been on a steady climb. Part of that problem is access to public swimming areas.

Now, the Family Y of Greater Augusta is starting a program that involves our local schools, which are implementing classes and lessons for kindergarten through 12th grade.

School is out and summer is starting, which means busy pools, beaches, lakes, and rivers.


But at the Family Y of Greater Augusta, they’re staying busy looking to educate your kids on water safety.

“There’s been so many water deaths in our community that are 100 percent preventable. And we really want to have a positive impact on stopping those,” said Jessica Bacon, training and outreach director at Family YMCA of Greater Augusta.

They’re ramping up their safety around water program and partnering with the Richmond County School System.

Lifeguards go to the kids at the school.

“Our hope is to really get some sort of safety around water material, whether that’s coming into the classroom or just providing some sort of literature for K through 12,” said Bacon.


Along with swim safety, access to pools in our area is a major concern.

Lynn Carswell, swim Columbia County organizer, said: “We’re passionate about children and what they need, and learning to swim is something every child needs.”

Carswell and Cyndi Griffin created Swim Columbia County. Currently, they say there’s not a public facility in their area for kids to learn how to swim.

“That’s just not a list we want to be on. We should be doing better,” said Carswell.

They say programs like the YMCA should be expanding into more school curriculum.


“I think we try really hard in schools to teach kids the skills that they need to survive in life. And I just see swimming as a life skill,” said Carswell.

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