Augusta, GA
Some districts cancel after-school events ahead of storms
AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – With potential severe storms expected Monday evening, some school districts in the CSRA canceled afternoon and evening activities.
- Aiken County Public Schools said all after-school activities would conclude by 6 p.m.
- The Columbia County School District said there were no cancellations.
- The Edgefield County School District canceled after-school and athletics activities including a varsity football scrimmage between Strom Thurmond High and Gilbert High. Afternoon dismissal was taking place as scheduled.
- The McCormick County School District canceled all after-school activities and athletic practices.
- The Saluda County School District moved up student dismissal by 30 minutes with the goal of getting all buses will be off the road before 5 p.m.
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