Augusta, GA

Schools, coaches try to keep students safe in heat



AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – Heat has been a big issue for sports across the CSRA.

Schools and coaches are doing what they can to beat the heat.

Staying safe in this heat is critical.

“So we’ve been dealing with some extreme heat here in July and August, and which are was extremely different, you know, here lately,” said Kevin Blizzard, Assistant Softball coach at Harlem High school.


Intense heat calls for serious protocols.

“So if the wet bulb device is over 92, all activities are halted. And then if it’s below 92, there’s different levels you sometimes you will have if it’s in the 90 range, the wet bulb has been 90 range, we have to, we can only have one hour outside, we have frequent breaks, frequent water breaks,” said Blizzard.

Which could mean practicing indoors or delaying or canceling practice.

“We’re constantly giving players water breaks,” he said.

And this could make it harder to be fully prepared for upcoming games, which could affect the season.


“It could affect it. You know, obviously, you got to take batting practice, and your pitchers have to throw and you got to get a good defensive practice going on,” said Blizzard.

And they aren’t the only ones taking the heat seriously.

“For the first time from what I can remember the Georgia High School Association is addressing taking breaks during the games. That’s a little different this year, which is a good thing on extremely hot days,” he said.

Which allows for more breaks, even for teams as a whole.

“We played 12 games already. And we’ve already had to stop two or three times during the game the umpires have stopped the game to let them take a few minute little break, three or four or five minute break, let them get some more water and get hydrated and we get back at and go again,” said Blizzard.


But he says nothing is more important than keeping their athletes safe.

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