Augusta, GA

Local engineer builds history brick by brick at Augusta Museum of History



AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – One man is taking a non-conventional route in his art journey, and he is not the only artist looking to shine inside the Augusta Museum of History.

Maybe your favorite subject in school was science, or maybe it was history or math. But how can all of those things work together?

Mark Lorah is an engineer by trade but also has a passion for history.

When the Augusta Museum of History called on the community to showcase the area using Lego blocks, Lorah stepped up to the challenge.


“Being an engineer, I am very interested in education and awareness of design not only with historic structures but just the design field and engineering in general,” said Lorah.

This year, he recreated the Imperial Theater.

“I’ve seen many shows in the Imperial Theater. And I love history,” said Lorah. “I used to work with historic preservation here in town. And this is just a great way to introduce people to the historic buildings.”

Creators say it takes more than artistic ability to bring these projects to life.

“You’re doing geometry and trigonometry without realizing you are and so I want to use Legos as a way to introduce design to young people,” said Lorah.


If you’re like Lorah and you want to bring together science, math, and history, then the Augusta Museum of History has something for you.

Several other recreations of the region’s historical sights are also on display at the Augusta Museum of History as a part of their great building showdown event.

Lorah’s display will be showcased from June 29 to July 9.

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