Augusta, GA

‘It definitely helps’: Impact from CSRA back to school drives continue



AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – As students head back to the classroom, parents are still out grabbing school supplies, which can be expensive once everything is added.

Fit4School Augusta, organized by the Hawk Law Group and Alison Smith Marketing Group, handed out more than 700 bags of school supplies in the parking lot of the James Brown Arena and provided free haircuts.

“We have glue, sticks, rulers, notebooks, folders, just really anything that we could think of just to provide a basis whenever it comes to what a child needs for school on their first day,” Fit4School volunteer Chloe Woody said.

There was zero cost for the supplies and haircuts.


“Being out here makes a difference because we’re able to make a difference in children’s lives who might not have access to school supplies,” Woody said.

The price tag attached can be an eye sore for many.

“It definitely helps in terms of our budgeting and stuff,” Kimberly Engstron said. “Just with inflation and everything going up it’s always nice to be able to cross some stuff off the school supply list.”

“Kids run through school supplies so whether or not they were stocked up at the get go. we’re giving them more so that they can get through the year,” Shawn Merzlack, Hawk Law Firm partner, said.

Its a benefit for both parents and kids to get the supplies needed for school for free.


“Just being able to not feel that burden of seeing the number at the end of the receipt after getting all the school supplies, that’s just a relief knowing that there are organizations that are trying to help families,” Engstron said.

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