Augusta, GA
Here’s how to file a claim with PACT Act
AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – The deadline to apply for the PACT Act, which will allow veterans to get back pay if they were exposed to toxic chemicals, is just days away.
Since the PACT Act became law this time last year, more than 350,000 veterans have gotten their benefit claims approved.
The VA says about 110,000 of them suffered toxic exposure from burn pits overseas.
It’s impacted veterans close to home, too.
For Justin Chandler, his years in the military were some of the best years of his life.
“It was the time of my life and I would do it all over again if I had the chance,” he said.
For him and millions of other veterans, years of service would turn into years of health problems like asthma, environmental allergies, and multi-symptom illness, all because of burn pits and toxins during his deployment in Iraq.
“Being familiar with things like Agent Orange and Vietnam and things like that we knew we were putting ourselves at risk but we just continued to do our job,” said Chandler.
It’s why the VA Augusta Medical Center has screened more than 30,000 veterans for toxic exposure under the PACT Act in the past year, contributing to the nation’s overall total of 4 million.
“If their claim is approved, they will get backpay to August of 2022,” said Dr. Terri Lockhart with VA Augusta.
But if you’ve not filed a claim under the PACT Act in the past year, your first step is getting with your provider.
“With the new PACT Act, the government has engaged certain presumptive conditions and that means you don’t have prove it,” said Lockhart.
For veterans like Chandler, it’s another step in getting the care they need after years of service to our nation
For information on the PACT Act or to file a claim, visit the VA’s website.
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