Augusta, GA
4th annual Meet-a-Machine benefits Children’s Hospital of Georgia
AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – The Augusta Regional Airport held its fourth annual Meet-a-Machine benefitting the Children’s Hospital of Georgia.
Meet-a-Machine is an event that gives people the opportunity to see, touch, and learn about multiple types of vehicles.
Which included emergency response vehicles, planes, construction equipment, and much more.
A representative from Augusta Regional says this event also allows them to be a partner to the community.
Laura Smith, assistant director of marketing and public relations, says, “We want to be a big community partner and provide the opportunity for families to learn about the airport and come out on our property. And to see the access we have. Any event we do try make it really community oriented.”
Meet-A-Machine is a fundraiser designed to raise funds for the Children’s Hospital of Georgia to support research into the causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatments, and cures of childhood caner.
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