
Cracking the Case of the Giant Fern Genome



People, like many advanced organisms, have massive genomes, which include the codes for our lives. Wish to clarify your darkish hair, skinny bones and existential dread? Look to your 46 chromosomes and three billion nucleotide base pairs.

However these numbers are nothing in comparison with the genome of one other organism, which comprises twice as many base pairs and 3 times as many chromosomes. Is it an octopus? An elephant? An orca? No, it’s the flying spider monkey tree fern.

The flying spider monkey tree fern, a hardy plant present in Southeast Asia, has flat leaves that fan out in a circle on the high of its trunk, and it is only one of many spore-releasing crops with an enormous genome. What accounts for, or requires, a lot DNA is what Fay-Wei Li, a botanist on the Boyce Thompson Institute, calls “the most important query in fern genomics.”

In Might, Dr. Li led a workforce that sequenced the total genome of the flying spider monkey tree fern, to attempt to get a solution. It was solely the third time a fern’s DNA had been fully mapped, and the primary time {that a} fern with a genome so massive was sequenced. Final week two extra papers have been printed, in Nature Vegetation, revealing that the maidenhair fern and the “C-Fern” — Ceratopteris richardii, a fern usually used as a mannequin organism within the lab — had genomes comparable of their vastness to the flying spider monkey tree fern.

This burst of analysis, years within the making, challenges a half-century-old speculation about fern genes. And though it doesn’t shut the case of the fern genome, it’d “inform us loads about genome evolution as an entire,” mentioned Blaine Marchant, a botanist at Stanford College who led the sequencing of the C-Fern.


“It’s been a long time that we’ve been begging, ‘Hey, ferns, we have to make this occur!’” mentioned Eric Schuettpelz, a botanist on the Smithsonian Establishment who was not concerned within the current analysis. “These are actually thrilling occasions.”

Why some organisms have bigger genomes or extra chromosomes than others will not be totally clear; crops and animals with a lot of genes aren’t essentially bodily or behaviorally extra advanced. The present record-holder for many base pairs — 149 billion — is a flowering plant with the scientific identify Paris japonica; the record-holder for many chromosomes — 1,440 — is the adder’s-tongue fern. Each crops are small and, as organisms go, easy.

One broadly held rationalization for giant genomes is named polyploidy, or entire genome duplication. Sometimes throughout replica, two gametes — cells with half the variety of authentic chromosomes — come collectively to create a zygote, with a full suite of genes. However when these gametes first kind, it might be that pairs of chromosomes don’t totally separate, resulting in a zygote with a genome that’s twice as massive as its dad and mom’. This seems to have occurred early within the evolution of flowering crops, however a lot of the duplicated genes have been stripped out after tens of hundreds of thousands of years of pure choice.

Ferns are intently associated to flowering crops, however they’ve roughly 20 p.c extra base pairs of their genome. For years, scientists questioned why this was so. Then in 1966, a paper was printed in Science claiming that ferns, lots of which reproduce asexually, gained an evolutionary benefit from genome duplication. Basically, the authors argued, the additional genes offered backup chromosomes that helped forestall hereditary ailments.

It was a “actually influential and extremely artistic paper,” mentioned Pamela Soltis, a botanist on the Florida Museum of Pure Historical past who helped sequence the C-Fern. However did fern genomes truly include indicators of mass duplication, or have been they merely large? To verify the idea required sequencing a few of these massive genomes.


Lastly, this 12 months, it occurred — and the sequences confirmed no proof of polyploidy. “None of that got here by way of,” Dr. Soltis mentioned. “In truth, there’s solely the proof for probably two duplications on this entire lineage, that return a whole bunch of hundreds of thousands of years.”

The C-Fern seems to have gained its massive genome primarily from repetitive DNA and transposable components — “leaping genes” that usually transfer round in chromosomes, with a operate that’s poorly understood. For Dr. Soltis, the sequencing supplied closure for the longstanding speculation of fern polyploidy. “We predict that is the nail within the coffin for that,” she mentioned.

However Dr. Li was not so satisfied. The DNA of the flying spider monkey tree fern contained proof of an entire genome duplication round 100 million years in the past, and the genome has remained remarkably secure since then. It’s a solitary case, but it surely appears to bolster the concept polyploidy offered the plant with an evolutionary leg up. “One genome sort of helps this speculation, the opposite one doesn’t,” he mentioned.

Dr. Schuettpelz mentioned: “We don’t have a agency grasp on what this stuff are doing, however I’ve simply been amazed. As we accumulate increasingly genomes, and genomes which are extra consultant of ferns as an entire, issues are going to get actually thrilling actually quick.”

Right here was one thing that the entire fern scientists agreed on. “The publication of increasingly fern genome assemblies to match will make inferences way more informative,” Dr. Marchant mentioned.


Dr. Soltis mentioned: “If we wish to perceive facets of flowering crops, as an illustration, we want to have the ability to evaluate them of their historic, evolutionary context. And there was actually no reference till these two large fern genomes have been printed.”

Dr. Soltis has been concerned in a current effort to sequence the genome of each recognized type of life on Earth. The venture is bold, she acknowledged, however so is science. “To know how something works in any organism, together with ourselves, it’s essential to take a look at the place it got here from and what its context was previous to taking up no matter operate it has now,” she mentioned.

Dr. Li added: “So, what do we want? We want extra genomes.”

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