
Video: President Biden Reaffirms Support for Israel and Ukraine



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President Biden Reaffirms Support for Israel and Ukraine

The president addressed the nation with a 15-minute speech and said he would send Congress a budget request to fund national security and support for Israel and Ukraine.

Good evening, my fellow Americans. We’re facing an inflection point in history: one of those moments where the decisions we make today are going to determine the future for decades to come. I know these conflicts can seem far away, and it’s natural to ask, Why does this matter to America? So let me share with you why making sure Israel and Ukraine succeed is vital for America’s national security. You know, history has taught us that when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, when dictators don’t pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction. American leadership is what holds the world together. American alliances is what keeps us, America, safe. American values are what make us a partner that other nations want to work with. To put all that at risk – if we walk away from Ukraine, if we turn our backs on Israel – it’s just not worth it. That’s why tomorrow I’m going to send to Congress an urgent budget request to fund America’s national security needs, to support our critical partners including Israel and Ukraine. I know we have our divisions at home. We have to get past them. We can’t let petty, partisan, angry politics get in the way of our responsibilities as a great nation. We cannot and will not let terrorists like Hamas and tyrants like Putin win. I refuse to let that happen. In moments like these, we have to remind, we have to remember who we are: We are the United States of America. United States of America. And there is nothing – nothing – beyond our capacity, if we do it together. My fellow Americans, thank you for your time. May God bless you all, and may God protect our troops.


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