
Video: Biden Calls for Supreme Court Reforms



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Biden Calls for Supreme Court Reforms

The president outlined his proposals for major changes to the Supreme Court, including imposing term limits and creating an enforceable code of ethics on the justices.

We need a mandatory code of ethics for the Supreme Court, and we need it now. We’ve had term limits for presidents of the United States for nearly 75 years, after the Truman administration. And I believe we should have term limits for Supreme Court justices in the United States as well. I’m calling for a constitutional amendment. Called No One Is Above the Law Amendment. I mean this sincerely. It holds no immunity for crimes former president committed while in office. My fellow Americans, based on all my experience, I’m certain we need these reforms. We need these reforms to restore trust in the courts, preserve the system of checks and balances that are vital to our democracy. We’re also common sense reforms that a vast majority of the American people support, as well as leading constitutional law scholars, progressives and conservatives.


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