
Vermont State Parks celebrate 100 years



Elmore, VT – This summer marks the centennial anniversary of Vermont State Parks, and Governor Phil Scott took some time Thursday to recognize the milestone. 

Since Mount Philo State Park in Charlotte — Vermont’s first — was established in 1924, the number of parks has grown to 55 across the state. The Governor said Vermont’s parks are integral to the state’s identity and the lifestyle of its residents. 

“We can all agree our natural resources, incredible mountains, our trails, our lakes and rivers, and the lifestyle that comes with it are some of our greatest selling points,” said Scott. “Our state Parks are a great way for Vermonters and visitors to take advantage of all our state has to offer.”

Scott chose to address the centennial milestone and importance of Vermont State Parks at Elmore State Park. He said the park played an important role in his life and shared some memories of the park. It’s the place where his parents met and where he spent many childhood summers enjoying the outdoors. 


“I grew up in this area, I spent all my summers here,” Scott continued. “Elmore is pretty special to me… I’ve been up that mountain hundreds of times.”

Scott was joined by Heather Pelham, Vermont’s Tourism and Marketing Commissioner, who noted the vital role State Parks play in the state’s economy and job market. She explained that Vermont ranks second only to Hawaii for the percentage of state GDP generated by outdoor recreation. The outdoor recreation sector also employs more than 15,000 Vermonters. 

“Tourism is a vital part of our economy and State Parks are an integral part of what we have to offer for our guests,” Pelham explained. “According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, in 2023 outdoor recreation in Vermont contributed almost $2 billion to our economy, which is 4.5 percent of Vermont’s GDP.”

Nate McKeen, Director of Vermont State Parks noted the physical and mental health benefits from outdoor recreation, and the essential role State Parks play for Vermonters and visitors alike who come to enjoy the state’s natural beauty. 

“When outside in the park we tend to be more civil and helpful to one another and also kinder to ourselves,” noted McKeen. “Think how we tend to react when we’re behind the wheel or the screen to each other versus when you’re on a hike or walking or engaging with the campsite next to yours.”


McKeen highlighted some activities for State Park visitors during the centennial summer. Visitors can participate in the new “Parks Passport Program” by picking up a Vermont parks passport and bringing it to every park they visit. Each park will have its own unique passport stamp for visitors. 

McKeen also encouraged park visitors to share their favorite photos, videos, poems, stories and other memories of Vermont State Parks to help commemorate a century of outdoor adventure in the Green Mountain State. 

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