With astuteness and a keen reporter’s eye, Kevin Cullen really captured the essence of tromping the fields and experiencing the sculptures in the tranquility of the sculpture park David Stromeyer has created in northern Vermont (“The cool shapes of Vermont’s Cold Hollow,” Metro, Sept. 8). As someone who’s made a later-in-life career as a sculptor, I’ve had the benefit of visiting Cold Hollow and David and his wife, Sarah, for decades and, honestly, the park has become a pilgrimage site for me. I marvel at the scale and engineering required to build and install these massive sculptures. Even more, I marvel at the synergy between sculpture and hills and the surrounding forest. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in a lifetime of viewing outdoor sculpture.
We all need destinations where we find comfort and solace and that inspire us and make us dream. I am so fortunate to have found such a place.
Allen M. Spivack
Jamaica Plain