
Editorial: Pennsylvania lawmakers need training camp



The Pittsburgh Steelers are back in training camp. The team descended on Saint Vincent College in Unity on Wednesday prepared to settle in for the long haul, bringing TVs, pillows and snacks.

They will spend their time at the school focused on developing their skills as individuals and a team to better perform when it comes time to kick off the season.

“Everyone’s ready to get back to it,” said this year’s first-round draft pick, offensive tackle Broderick Jones.

Great idea. Now, how can we get the Pennsylvania General Assembly to do this?


Senators packed up and left Harrisburg weeks ago despite the lack of a signed budget after Gov. Josh Shapiro backed off support for a voucher program. The House, meanwhile, departed without resolving the funding for state-related universities. It takes a two-thirds majority to get the money needed for Pitt, Penn State, Temple and Lincoln — and, after the resignation of Democratic Allegheny County Executive nominee Sara Innamorato, there isn’t a majority at all.

The Senate isn’t due back in town until Sept. 18. The House stands adjourned until Sept. 26. Until then, nothing is getting done, despite the budget already being overdue for a Senate signature that will then allow the governor to sign it and despite college students being back on campus in a month.

What if we found a big place we could lock down the Legislature until lawmakers actually got things done? Hey, Hempfield just bought a former state property with lots of bedrooms. Let’s throw the governor in for good measure. It’s not like this happened without his involvement. Don’t allow TVs or video games. We need them to focus. No snacks or pillows. This isn’t summer camp.

Make them buckle down, not leaving until they do the job, like cardinals electing a new pope. Maybe one year of this is all it would take to make our leaders realize that June 30 deadline means June 30.

But we can’t. The power to make the Legislature do anything rests, unfortunately, with the Legislature.


At least it does until lawmakers come up for reelection next year.

These officials need to take a look at Steelers training camp — not just at how players show up to do their job in the hottest part of summer. They need to take a look at the people who show up to watch.

Putting in the effort is popular with the people. Politicians could learn a little something from that.

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