New Hampshire

New Hampshire Woman Attempting World Record Next Week: Most Pull-ups in 24 Hours




Next weekend, on July 27, 24-year-old Natalie Noble will be attempting to do the most pull-ups completed by a woman in a 24-hour period.

Noble, a trainer at Flight House Gym in Rye, NH, set this goal for herself over 9 months ago. She said that while doing pull-ups, she kept “hitting a wall…” meaning she could not get past her current pull-up numbers.

She stopped seeing progress.


Frustrated with her progression, she decided to set a goal for herself.

By the time she turns 25, which will be on July 27, 2024, she wants to be a Guinness World Record holder for the most pull-ups completed by a woman in a 24-hour period.

The current record for this exhausting task is 4,081 pull-ups.

Natalie Noble’s goal: 4,300 (or so). Noble does not want to beat the record…she wants to blow it out of the water and keep the title in NH for a long time.

So Noble has 24 hours to complete over 4,081 pull-ups…what about sleep? Food? What is the schedule or plan?


According to Noble, no sleep. Flight House Gym in Rye, NH (who is hosting) is planning on staying open for 24 hours to allow Noble to accomplish this feat.

Instead of doing as many as she can on the 27th, then sleeping, and cranking out a few more on the 28th, Noble is going for a different approach: The EMOM approach.

EMOM stands for every minute on the minute. So Noble will begin her first few hours by tackling 5 pull-ups every minute on the minute. After a few hours at that pace, her body will certainly begin to feel it.

Her plan is to switch to 3 pull-ups every minute on the minute after a few hours of the 5 pull-up pace.

So her 24-hour window will be very scheduled. She’ll crank out 3-5 pull-ups at the beginning of every minute. Then she’ll rest for about 45-55 seconds.


Then she’ll repeat that 1,440 times.

Again, this WORLD RECORD attempt is taking place at Flight House Gym in Rye, NH from noon-time on July 17 to noon-time on July 28th.

We cannot wait for Natalie Noble to bring this Guinness World Record home to New Hampshire.

Go get that goal and go get that record, Nat!

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Gallery Credit: Megan

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