Tell us your favorite local Maine grocery store and the best things to get there
Mainers like to hold onto local secrets like precious jewels. The best place to get pizza. The best place to watch the sun rise or set. Secret parking spots that people from away don’t know about.
It’s the same with grocery stores — not just the big chains that dominate the state, but also the little mom-and-pop grocers in towns and cities from Stockholm to Shapleigh. Who’s got the cheapest eggs? The best cuts of meat? A great deli? Farm-fresh produce? There’s a good chance one of your local markets has got at least one of those.
We want to know: what are your favorite hidden gem markets in Maine, and what in particular do they specialize in selling? Let us know in the form below, or leave a comment. We’ll follow up with a story featuring your answers in a few days. We’ll try to keep it just between us Mainers, but we can’t guarantee a few out-of-staters won’t catch on to these local secrets.