
Best ways to be safe in the heat and at the beach



As we’ve seen this summer, people are flocking to the beach to cool off, but experts say you want to be careful in these warm temperatures.

One family came to the beach prepared with their arms full of supplies.

“We have a beach umbrella that can kind of double as a tent blanket, sand chairs, all the necessities,” said Hunter Reckert, of West Hartford.

He and his mother had quite the set up; a shady spot right near the Sound and a cooler full of water. 


“I’m used to the three-day heat waves. I am not used to the 10-day heat waves,” said Hunter’s mother Patricia Valle, of West Hartford.

The last several days have been very warm. The mother and son duo said they hopped in the car early Saturday morning and headed to Hammonasset to relax and swim.

Another a family was camping for a few days, finding other ways to escape the heat.

“Pretty simple, we just get on our bikes, and we drive around just to get the wind to rush in our face,” said Logan Dyer, of New Hartford.

Experts say these hot and humid conditions can make us feel sick if we’re not safe. They suggest wearing clothes that are light in color and weight, limiting your sun exposure by seeking shade, and staying hydrated.


Dr. Alfred Croteau, emergency physician at Hartford Hospital, says it’s important to pay attention to what you’re drinking.

Even though it can feel refreshing, Dr. Croteau says avoid consuming only alcohol and carbonated beverages when you’re outside in the heat.

“Mixing things like Gatorade or Powerade or things like that in that give us a little bit more of those natural electrolytes,” said Dr. Croteau. “The alcohol can mask symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and make us not as aware of what’s going on. So, we can become severely ill before we realize it.”

If your idea of cooling off doesn’t involve going to the beach, Dr. Croteau also suggests staying indoors, taking frequent showers and cool baths, and avoiding strenuous activity outside. 

It’s important advice as we head into another month of summer.  


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