Boston, MA
Bird sightings from Mass Audubon – The Boston Globe
Latest fowl sightings as reported to the Mass Audubon:
Particularly notable species reported in Massachusetts final week included a brown booby in Eastham, a barnacle goose in Winthrop, a late marbled godwit and a late whimbrel in Chatham, a rufous hummingbird in Millers Falls, a potential Bell’s vireo in Dartmouth, a bohemian waxwing in Ayer and a Townsend’s warbler at Boston’s Public Backyard, in accordance with the Mass Audubon.
Berkshire County: A lesser black-backed gull and two Iceland gulls at Pontoosuc Lake in Pittsfield, three cackling geese at Baldwin Hill in Egremont and 5 canvasbacks at Lake Onota.
Bristol County: An Eurasian wigeon, two redheads, and two lingering laughing gulls at Acoaxet, a potential Bell’s vireo on the Dartmouth Pure Sources Belief Ocean View Farm Reserve and a prairie warbler on the Egypt Lane Ponds in Fairhaven.
Cape Cod: A brown booby and a parasitic jaeger at First Encounter Seashore, a marbled godwit, a whimbrel and three willets at Forest Seashore, a king eider at Race Level Seashore, a dickcissel in Cummaquid and two pine grosbeaks at Certain Brook Island.
Essex County: A unbroken red-headed woodpecker at Appleton Farms in Ipswich, an incredible egret in Marblehead, a really late veery at Plum Island and 66 widespread murres passing Andrews Level in Rockport, the place there have been two parasitic jaegers.
Franklin County: A unbroken rufous hummingbird at a feeder on Highland Road in Millers Falls, a cackling goose at Turners Falls, a canvasback at Barton Cove in Gill and 4 white-crowned sparrows in Sunderland.
Hampshire County: A late Baltimore oriole on the Switch Station in Hadley, 9 purple crossbills on North Street in Westhampton, 5 black vultures in Granby and three black vultures in Easthampton.
Hampden County: Three black vultures at Stanley Park in Westfield.
Martha’s Winery: Thee Northern shovelers at Crystal Lake in Oak Bluffs, 4 lingering laughing gulls and two widespread ravens at Homosexual Head, 9 laughing gulls at Aquinnah.
Middlesex County: A cackling goose and a seamless redhead on the Arlington Reservoir, a red-throated loon and 11 purple crossbills at Horn Pond, a rough-legged hawk in Harmony, a bohemian waxwing at Rock Meadow Pond in Ayer, two orange-crowned warblers at Journal Beachand an orange-crowned warbler at Danehy Park, a tardy blackburnian warbler in Acton, a Wilson’s warbler on the Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln, a yellow-breasted chat and 20 purple crossbills at Chilly Spring Park in Newton, a lingering Baltimore oriole in Lexington and a rose-breasted grosbeak in Harmony. In Groton, a northern goshawk was photographed.
Norfolk County: A Barrow’s goldeneye at Nice Pond in Randolph, a Nashville warbler and a Tennessee warbler on the Charles River Peninsula in Needham, a lesser black-backed gull at Lake Massapoag in Sharon and a lark sparrow on the Holyhood Cemetery in Chestnut Hill.
Plymouth County: A fantastic shearwater, 30 black-legged kittiwakes, and a standard murre at Manomet Level, six sandhill cranes on Middle Road in Plympton and a late indigo bunting on the Nemasket Path.
Suffolk County: A barnacle goose at Lewis Lake in Winthrop, single snow goose at Franklin Park and Forest Hills Cemetery, a lingering Townsend’s warbler and a yellow-breasted chat at Boston’s Public Backyard and a Lincoln’s sparrow on the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway.
Worcester County: A late brown thrasher on the Westboro Wildlife Administration Space in Westborough and 13 purple crossbills in Princeton.
For extra details about fowl sightings or to report fowl sightings, name Mass Audubon at 781-259-8805 or go to
Isabela Rocha may be reached at