
UN halts some aid programs in Afghanistan after Taliban’s ban on female NGO workers | CNN




The United Nations introduced Wednesday it has suspended a few of its “time-critical” packages in Afghanistan within the wake of the Taliban’s ban on feminine NGO employees.

In a joint assertion launched by UN help chief Martin Griffiths and different humanitarian teams, it warned that additional actions will seemingly should be paused because it can’t ship “principled” humanitarian help with out feminine help employees.

“Banning ladies from humanitarian work has rapid life-threatening penalties for all Afghans. Already, some time-critical programmes have needed to cease quickly resulting from lack of feminine employees,” the assertion learn.


“We’ll endeavour to proceed lifesaving, time-critical actions except impeded whereas we higher assess the scope, parameters and penalties of this directive for the folks we serve.

“However we foresee that many actions will should be paused as we can’t ship principled humanitarian help with out feminine help employees.”

It famous that the transfer comes at a time when over 28 million folks in Afghanistan require help because the nation “grapples with the danger of famine circumstances, financial decline, entrenched poverty and a brutal winter.”

The assertion reiterated the UN’s condemnation of the Taliban’s restrictions on ladies’s rights. “We urge the de facto authorities to rethink and reverse this directive, and all directives banning ladies from colleges, universities and public life.

“No nation can afford to exclude half of its inhabitants from contributing to society.”


The Taliban final week ordered all native and worldwide non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to cease their feminine workers from coming to work and suspended college schooling for all feminine college students within the nation. The transfer drew condemnation from world wide.

In an announcement Tuesday, the UNSC expressed its “deep concern” and referred to as for “the complete, equal, and significant participation of ladies and women in Afghanistan.”

The brand new restrictions are one other step within the Taliban’s crackdown on the freedoms of Afghan ladies, after taking on the nation in August 2021.

Though the Taliban repeatedly claimed it might shield the rights of women and girls, the group has executed the other, stripping away the hard-won freedoms for which ladies have fought tirelessly over the previous twenty years.

A few of the Taliban’s most hanging restrictions have been round schooling, with women additionally barred from returning to secondary colleges in March. The transfer devastated many college students and their households, who described to CNN their dashed desires of changing into medical doctors, academics or engineers.


Not less than half a dozen main international help teams mentioned they’re quickly suspending their operations in Afghanistan following the ban on feminine NGO workers.

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