
Police arrest man suspected of planting explosives in Brazil’s capital ahead of presidential inauguration | CNN



São Paulo

Police in Brasilia arrested a person on Saturday suspected of planting and possessing explosive units one week forward of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s inauguration, Police Chief Robson Candido mentioned throughout a information briefing.

The 54-year-old suspect went to Brasilia for demonstrations in help of President Jair Bolsonaro, police mentioned.

Police seized an explosive system discovered by a truck drive in a tanker truck near Brasilia Worldwide Airport. Upon additional investigation, police additionally discovered a rifle, two shotguns, revolvers, greater than 1,000 items of ammunition, and different 5 explosive units within the suspect’s rented condo in Brasilia, police mentioned.


“That is one thing that has by no means existed in Brasilia and we won’t enable such demonstrations which will hurt folks and public property,” the police chief mentioned through the briefing.

The suspect recognized others concerned within the plot and extra arrests will probably be carried out, police mentioned.

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