
Biden marks 20 years at DHS as controversy centers on Mayorkas



President Biden on Wednesday traveled to the Division of Homeland Safety (DHS) to mark 20 years because the creation of the sprawling company, as its chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, faces a barrage of criticism from Republican lawmakers.

Biden extolled the worth of DHS, an company that has confronted its share of controversy because it was shaped within the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist assaults to fight terrorism and potential threats in opposition to the USA. 

The company has grown considerably within the 20 years since its creation. It now homes greater than a dozen authorities companies, and its purview consists of issues associated to immigration, cybersecurity, election integrity and catastrophe response. The division as a complete has roughly 260,000 staff, Biden famous.

“Within the 20 years since DHS started, the world has develop into extra interconnected, extra sophisticated than ever, and new threats are rising with the unimaginable advances in expertise,” Biden stated in ready remarks. “Some are scary … many are reassuring. And but due to you, America is safer and stronger and is best ready to satisfy no matter risk we face.”

However, the company’s work securing the southern border has been within the highlight and the goal of intense scrutiny in the course of the previous two administrations. 


The deal with the inflow of migrants on the southern border has made it robust for different work of the division to get consideration, argued Stewart Verdery, a former assistant secretary at DHS below President George W. Bush.

“Twenty years in the past at its creation, DHS was imagined to deal with a number of equally necessary missions in any respect as soon as — aviation safety, securing worldwide journey and catastrophe preparedness. In fact the southern border was a part of the equation, nevertheless it wasn’t the entire equation,” he stated. “However the political deal with migrant flows on this hemisphere by each the best and the left has virtually made it unattainable for the opposite missions to get any actual consideration, particularly from the Congress.”

Throughout the Trump administration, DHS was incessantly on the heart of criticism due to its immigration enforcement tasks. Former President Trump largely used the company to implement his crackdown on the stream of immigrants into the nation, and a few Democrats over the past administration known as for defunding Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is housed inside DHS.

Trump additionally publicly clashed with cybersecurity consultants who stated the 2020 election had been safe as the previous president sowed doubt concerning the outcomes.

Biden stated on Wednesday that the work of DHS is now “much more necessary” than it has been in its 20 years, rattling off its work, notably together with “defending our air, our land, our maritime borders.”


The division was on the heart of a firestorm over an order below Trump to separate migrant households who illegally crossed the border, and the federal government’s incapability to reunite a whole lot of these households in a well timed method has lingered into the Biden administration.

The division’s secretary, Mayorkas, has been intently scrutinized by Republicans who’ve complained that he has not executed sufficient to safe the southern border and scale back the stream of migrants. Some Republicans have known as for Mayorkas’s impeachment over his dealing with of the border.

However Biden got here to do the protection of Mayorkas, who he nominated, calling him a “true patriot” who “determined his profession to defending and serving the American individuals, whereas upholding our nation’s legal guidelines and standing up for American values.”

The ceremony on Wednesday additionally included remarks from Mayorkas, in addition to recorded messages from former President George W. Bush and Tom Ridge, the primary secretary of the Division of Homeland Safety, which was created below Bush’s tenure.


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