
Wisconsin should prosecute our fake electors — Al Jacobs



The Michigan attorney general recently announced felony charges against several Republicans for falsely portraying themselves as electors after the 2020 election in an effort to overturn Donald Trump’s defeat.

Hooray for Michigan. We often witness Republicans ranting about election fraud, claiming it’s there when there is virtually none, yet ignoring attempted massive frauds in several states including our own — attempts to replace certified election results to change the result of a presidential election.

Michigan is prosecuting this heinous fraud and will hopefully put the perpetrators in jail to set an example for those who may think of committing similar frauds in the future.

But where is Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul? Why has he apparently given a pass to our Wisconsin fraudsters? I find it incredible that Florida is arresting people who erroneously voted because they were unaware of an obscure requirement around former felons voting. Yet there is no penalty here for those who signed fake papers intended to claim that Trump won Wisconsin in a race he lost by more than 20,000 votes. That’s no small matter — that’s massive fraud.


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I’m all for election integrity. But Wisconsin has a long history of fair and honest elections. Our attorney general needs to prosecute these fraudsters to the full extent of the law to ensure we maintain that record.


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