
Wisconsin charity helps Ukrainian orphanages in war-torn country




Two board members of a Wisconsin-based charity are spending Easter weekend about as removed from the standard celebrations as they will get: serving to with battle reduction efforts in Ukraine.

R.J. Johnson, president of Wisconsin’s World Orphan Fund, obtained a name Tuesday, hopped on a plan Wednesday and was in Ukraine Saturday to assist among the nation’s most weak individuals.

“Folks working collectively can give you outstanding options,” stated Johnson.


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For Johnson, it is all about connection. Even when that thread pulls him from Wisconsin to war-torn Ukraine.


“It’s like a small city Wisconsin nation. All people is aware of all people, they’re all linked,” he stated.

Wisconsin’s World Orphan Fund helps orphanages in Ukraine

There isn’t any greater bond to have severed. A spotty web connection and time zone distinction couldn’t cease him from sharing his mission with FOX6 Information Saturday.


“Orphans are, by nature, traumatized,” Johnson stated. “They’ve been faraway from a household state of affairs, so that they’re already vital points they must face on a psychological degree. Add a battle to that.”

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Johnson and one other board member of the Randolph-based charity are in western Ukraine vising often-strained orphanages – one for particular wants youngsters now with quadruple the standard variety of youngsters.

“After we walked in there, it appeared insurmountable,” stated Johnson.

By working with others in Ukraine, it’s a mountain they are going to be capable of climb. Not solely is Johnson working to safe a number of employees members for that orphanage, he is additionally establishing a pilot program at an orphanage to assist youngsters with their trauma. It’s a testomony to the energy of connection – even between individuals dwelling midway the world over.


Wisconsin’s World Orphan Fund helps orphanages in Ukraine

“These options are potential with simply common individuals working collectively,” Johnson stated.


Earlier than he returns Monday, Johnson is spending Easter visiting orphanages and speaking with a gaggle of psychologists to work on establishing that program to assist with youngsters’s trauma.

To assist, go to the Ukraine Orphan Disaster web site; 100% of donations go straight to assist orphaned youngsters.

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