South Dakota

South Dakota amends prohibition on Medicaid work requirements



RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) – South Dakota lawmakers want to add work requirements for able-minded and able-bodied recipients of Medicaid.

Republican Representative Tony Venhuizen said their proposed amendment would allow the state to consider a work requirement concerning Medicaid Expansion.

While the amendment would still need federal approval and to go through the legislative process, the state government is removing the work prohibition from the state constitution.

“We would be able to have exceptions for people with disabilities, people who are sick, people who are undergoing cancer treatment, mothers of young children, but this is just about making sure people who are able to care of themselves and who are able to work are incentivized to do that,” Venhuizen stated.


Venhuizen also said that social programs are a lift-up during tough times, and should not be a way of life.

The amendment was passed by both the state senate and house, 28-to-4 and 63-to-7 respectively. The only votes opposed came from Democrat Representatives and Senators. The amendment will be on the November 5 general election ballot.

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