South Dakota

Museum of Geology at South Dakota Mines celebrates historic 100 year milestone



RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) – The summer tourism season is in full swing for the Black Hills, and the Museum of Geology at South Dakota Mines is not only ready to welcome visitors but is celebrating reaching a historic milestone, too.

This year the museum is celebrating its 100th anniversary of educating people on ancient life and rocks.

While the Museum of Geology was founded alongside the college in 1885, it wasn’t until 1923 that the doors were open to the public.

People can blast to the past and learn about the creatures that roamed Earth more than 500 years ago.


“Education is always the biggest thing, knowing why things happened the way it did in evolutionary time and where we can go from here. We can use pathology a lot to look at the past and see what the past was doing, and kind of project where we’re going to go in the future,” said Kayleigh Johnson, assistant director for the Museum of Geology.

To kick off the anniversary, the Museum of Geology will host a celebration on May 27 from 9 a.m. To 6 p.m.

This event will feature behind-the-scenes tours, various food trucks, and a dinosaur rodeo.

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