South Dakota
EPA approves $248,000 for rainwater collection in South Dakota
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – It may not seem like a huge deal, but having proper rainwater collection in a town can help to promote the overall health of the area.
The EPA announced last week that nearly 250 thousand dollars from the most recent national infrastructure bill will be allocated to South Dakota for improvements on rainwater collection and sewer lines.
Daniel Piantanida with the EPA says the purpose of distributing these funds is to make sure smaller towns have access to repairs that they may not be able to afford otherwise.
He says letting these improvements or repairs go unchecked can have harmful effects.
” This type, if not taken care of, it can really contaminate potential drinking water or people that recreate in lakes or rivers which is very common,” said Piantanida.
Piantanida says more money could be allocated to this issue if needed.
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