North Dakota
Supporters Submit Legal Marijuana Petition in North Dakota – KVRR Local News
BISMARCK, N.D. (North Dakota Monitor) -North Dakota voters may see a ballot measure in November related to legalizing marijuana for adults 21 and older.
Supporters submitted a petition on Tuesday to get a measure placed on the ballot that would allow adults to use marijuana at home. Secretary of State Michael Howe confirmed his office received the petition.
If the secretary of state approves the petition for circulation, supporters will need to collect just under 16,000 valid signatures by July 8 for the measure to appear on the November ballot.
Steve Bakken, Burleigh County Commissioner and former Bismarck mayor, is chair of the initiated measure’s sponsoring committee.
“Cannabis legalization is coming, and it’s coming fast. We’ve got a choice here – let out-of-state interests call the shots, or take the lead ourselves,” Bakken said in a statement.
Supporters said the proposal calls for more conservative possession limits than other states, including neighboring Minnesota and Montana. It specifies limits based on different types of products.
“We’ve carefully crafted this initiative right here in North Dakota, making sure it fits what our community really needs,” Bakken said in a statement.
A statewide measure to legalize marijuana in 2022 failed with 55% of the vote going against the measure. North Dakota voted down a measure to legalize marijuana in 2018 by an even wider margin.
Medical marijuana is legal in North Dakota.