North Dakota
North Dakota Wheat Commission Weekly Wheat Update for April 16, 2024
Spring wheat planting is underway across the U.S.
According to this week’s USDA/NASS Crop Progress Report, Minnesota, Montana, and North Dakota, wheat crops are all about 2-3% planted. (Photo: Getty Images, Unsplash)
MANDAN, N.D. — Planting of the 2024 U.S. spring wheat crop has begun. Spring wheat planting progress in the U.S. is 7% complete. According to this week’s USDA/NASS Crop Progress Report, Minnesota, Montana and North Dakota are all about 2-3% planted, while South Dakota is at 23%. All of these values are very similar to the five-year average and ahead of last year’s pace.
The majority of the spring wheat region saw well below normal snowfall over the winter and warmer than normal temperatures which have allowed for a slightly earlier start to planting compared to last year. Temperatures the first half of April have been above average, allowing fields to dry out. Temperatures will dip some this week and there are chances of precipitation in portions of the growing region, which could potentially delay planting in areas. Some areas have received precipitation this spring, but other areas remain drier than normal. In North Dakota specifically, the northern tier of the state is still under various levels of drought conditions.
The USDA Prospective Plantings report projected a marginal increase in U.S. spring wheat acres, up one percent. Estimate acreage levels by state are below:
- Minnesota – 1.6 million acres, up 23%
- Montana – 2.7 million acres, no change
- North Dakota – 5.3 million acres, down 5%
- South Dakota – 850,000 acres, up 15%
Durum planting progress in North Dakota has been fairly minimal thus far with this week’s USDA Crop Progress report listing no data yet. In Montana, about one percent of the crop has been planted. The USDA Prospective Plantings report showed a possible 21% increase in durum acres. North Dakota durum acres are estimated at 1.1 million, up from 905,000 last year and acres in Montana are projected at 850,000, up from 705,000 a year ago.
April 14, 2024
— ND Wheat Commission