North Dakota

Letter: North Dakota’s support for entrepreneurs is paying dividends



North Dakota is setting the gold standard for fostering entrepreneurship. State programs like the North Dakota Growth Fund and Angel Match Program provide rapid funding and cultivate a rich mentorship ecosystem. This has made the state a magnet for innovative companies and ambitious residents.

I speak from experience. Thanks to this nurturing environment, my startup, Chipp.AI, raised $350,000 in just seven weeks. State funding encouraged us to raise money. We were so well-supported that we launched without even tapping into those funds. This local backing has propelled us onto the national and international stage, including acceptance into two top accelerators.

North Dakota offers a proven blueprint for aspiring founders: start local, build global. We’re doing it in the artificial intelligence sector, and I’m excited to see what other innovations will emerge from our state.

Scott Meyer is a resident of Fargo.


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