North Dakota

Letter: North Dakota deserves better from lawmakers



Listening to some legislative committee hearings in Bismarck and studying lots of the editorials and letters to editors over the previous few weeks, all of it jogs my memory of the “Women Gone Wild” movies of 25 years in the past. Absolute chaos by free-spending, self-indulgent people with little regard for others.

Many of those elected officers are losing their constituents’ time and cash by free-wheeling their oblivion to the sacrifices made by generations of North Dakotans to ascertain a peaceable, educated, wholesome inhabitants in an inhospitable surroundings. The heritage of the one-room schoolhouse, the younger men and women who endured nice hardships to deliver training to residents of this state are about to be relegated to an already dusty museum of reminiscence. Docs who practiced in opposition to vital odds to maintain residents effectively and illness at bay, now only a black-and-white {photograph} on the wall of historical past. The residents of North Dakota deserve higher ancestors to our historical past than this fiasco.

Some representatives have publicly advised these commenting in opposition of their actions transfer to different states. This irresponsible impolite habits calls for a public apology!

Residents of our nice state deserve higher from our elected officers than the cut-and-paste laws. Declarations of “ Victory” in regard to a number of the veto-proof votes smack of mandated state-sponsored terrorism and


bullying of a constituency already culturally marginalized.

I hope when the mud settles after this session we’re left with greater than celebratory e-book burning bonfires; perhaps a geographical cultural black eye alongside the monument in Rugby.

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