North Dakota

Letter: ND officials need to explain Trump support



I just learned that Burgum and Cramer endorsed Donald Trump for President.

I know I live in a conservative Republican state, but I cannot believe this is true.

These people, who had to have seen the violence, the attack, heard the chant, “Hang Mike Pence”, are endorsing the man who refused to accept his loss.

WHY? I have heard/read followers of this man say things like: “He did a lot of good things for our country when he was president.”


And that statement leaves me speechless.

What would make me dis-trust Trump? He is a rapist. He bragged that he molests women. His charity was dissolved with a $2 Million fine. His university was in a class action lawsuit and cost Mr. Trump $25 Million. He also took box upon box of Classified Files to his resort and kept them in a bathroom and a ballroom. That alone should give you pause. The man who led the chant “Lock her up” had boxes of classified documents in his possession. And instructed his employees to lie about it.

People are also reading…


And don’t get me started on Covid. When he finally acknowledged that Covid was real, he suggested injecting bleach. Then made Dr. Fauci the bad guy.

Still not enough? He is currently under 91, count them, 91 indictments. Why? Because he’s the law-and-order president? No, because he’s a narcissist and Fox News conned you into believing he was sent from God.

If you are an elected official in North Dakota, I need you to explain why you endorse this man for president again. You know what he did to our country last time. Why? I need to understand why.


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