North Dakota

Letter: How does ‘Team Dakota’ sound?



Interesting speculation has been circulating around North Dakota about Gov. Doug Burgum possibly becoming a candidate for president of the United States. Neither the governor nor his staff at the Capitol in Bismarck have either confirmed or denied that the governor is running for president.

Would Burgum stand a chance?

Outside of North Dakota, Burgum isn’t very well-known. He obviously has the financial resources to at least dip his toe into the water. I personally am doubtful that if he were to enter the early primaries and caucuses next year, that he would get past Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Additionally, I doubt that Burgum would stand much of a chance against the undisputed frontrunner for the Republican nomination, former President Donald Trump. Despite Trump’s ongoing legal matters, it should be noted that Trump has only been accused; but not actually convicted of committing any crimes. Another subject for another time.


Has there ever been a president from North Dakota?

Despite the fact that President Theodore Roosevelt called the Dakota Territory his home for a period of time, he remained a resident of New York. Roosevelt came to the Badlands of what is now North Dakota for the first time in 1883. Excited about the prospects for an open-range cattle industry, he invested in a ranch along the Little Missouri River near Medora before returning to New York. North Dakota and South Dakota would become the 39th and 40th states on Nov. 2, 1889.

Accordingly, there has never been a president who called North Dakota home. Burgum would be the first, if he were to run for and win the White House.

Team Dakota?

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s name has also been circulating as a potential candidate for the Republican nomination for president. How does a “Team Dakota” sound? Gov. Noem and Burgum on a presidential and vice-presidential ticket. The only question is: who would be the presidential candidate and who would be the vice-presidential candidate?



Accordingly, do I see Burgum throwing his hat in the ring as a presidential candidate? At this point, I would cautiously say no; but then again, anything is possible. He certainly could go for it and announce he’s running for president of the United States.

Interesting stuff indeed. We shall see what happens.

Clarence F. “Rick” Olson, of Fargo, is an occasional contributor to The Forum’s commentary and opinion pages. E-mail him at:


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