North Dakota

Letter: Get the full story on North Dakota’s private schools



I’ve been following the dialogue regarding the granting of vouchers to oldsters of personal college kids. As a dad or mum and grandparent of 9 kids who attended a non-public college, and as a former para for 32 years at St. Michael’s College, I’m properly conscious of the necessity for vouchers.

We paid our taxes which helped assist the native public college system after which selected to ship our kids to a non-public college.

As a para I used to be properly conscious of the ins and outs of what went on within the college for the schooling of its college students. We had studying lecturers (by means of the Title I authorities program, plus speech/language lecturers), paid by means of federal taxes. Non-public colleges should comply with the identical guidelines as the general public sector on the subject of curriculum, the variety of contact days wanted per pupil and the lunch program should comply with authorities requirements.



Ms. Buchhop

ought to spend a while visiting with the “unaccountable directors” and get the total story about how personal colleges are run earlier than assuming what goes on.

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