North Dakota

Increase in North Dakota motor vehicle fatalities linked to lane departures



FARGO — Vision Zero is warning drivers about the deadly consequences of leaving their lanes.

They say a majority of motor vehicle fatalities in North Dakota in 2023 were caused by lane departures.

A fatal lane departure crash happened roughly once a week in 2023, said Lauren Wahlman, the safety public information program manager for the North Dakota Department of Transportation.

Avoiding distracted driving, such as not using cellphones while driving, is an easy way to prevent leaving your lane.


“Distracted driving is very under reported, but as you can imagine, that is a huge reason why people are leaving their lane, and they’re crossing the center line or leaving the roadway; because they’re distracted,” Wahlman said.

Lane departures can be especially dangerous on two-lane highways where there’s no margin for error if you cross the center or edge lines.

“You have a lot less room to correct your mistake if you are distracted and you go off the intended lane, or you cross that center line,” Wahlman says.

The North Dakota DOT continues to put safety features on roads to reduce the chances of a lane departure. District Engineer Joe Peyerl said rumble strips on center and edge lines are now the standard on new projects, with the exception being some roads in populated areas.

In 2024, they’ve also been widening pavement markings. For drivers, practicing safe habits can help keep you safe if others on the road aren’t following the rules.


“Exceeding speeds can have detrimental effects on motor vehicle crashes, and the No. 1 thing you can do every time you get into the vehicle is buckle your seat belt. You might do everything right, but you can’t control what others are doing on the road. So a seat belt is going to be your best defense in a vehicle crash,” Wahlman said.

Wahlman also says if you see another driver repeatedly swerving in and out of their lane, to pull over when you can and report the vehicle to law enforcement.

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