North Dakota

Iconic Northern Pacific Depot Up for Sale: Fargo Park District Approves Advertisement of Historic Property



In a significant development yesterday, the Fargo Park District took a decisive step towards selling its historic Northern Pacific Depot. The Park Board unanimously approved the advertisement of the property for sale and authorized staff to present purchase offers before the board for approval.

A Century-Old Landmark on the Auction Block

The Northern Pacific Depot, an architectural marvel designed by Cass Gilbert and built in 1898, has been the proud headquarters of the Fargo Park District. Nestled at 701 Main Ave, this iconic structure carries the distinction of being Fargo’s first historic landmark listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Despite its rich heritage and historical significance, the decision to sell the depot was agreed upon unanimously during the Park Board meeting held on February 13, 2024.


Preserving History While Embracing Change

The sale of such a historically significant property is not a simple transaction. It necessitates state approval due to its status as a historic landmark. To navigate this complex process, park officials are collaborating closely with the North Dakota State Historical Society. Their primary objective is to identify any potential restrictions associated with the sale of the depot.

This collaborative approach ensures that while the ownership of the depot may change hands, its historical and cultural significance remains preserved for future generations.

Transferring Responsibility and Funds

The upkeep of a historic landmark like the Northern Pacific Depot is no small feat. Currently, a fund of $170,000, maintained by the FM Area Foundation, is dedicated to preserving and maintaining the depot.

In an interesting turn of events, this upkeep fund could potentially be passed on to the depot’s next owners. This transfer of responsibility, along with the necessary funds, would ensure that the new owners are well-equipped to maintain the depot in its current state.

As we stand on the brink of this monumental change, the echoes of the past resonate within the walls of the Northern Pacific Depot. The question now is, who will become the stewards of this historic landmark, shaping its future while honoring its past?


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