Milwaukee, WI

Walmart robbery: Milwaukee man allegedly sought birthday, drug money



A Milwaukee man is charged with four felonies, including armed robbery, in connection to a series of alleged crimes that happened in November.

Randy Bechler, 65, is accused of robbing or trying to rob Walmart and Kohl’s – and prosecutors said he admitted to four different incidents.


The first of the alleged crimes happened Nov. 20 at a Walmart near 27th and Morgan. A store employee told police a man walked up to her register and ordered her to give him everything in her drawer, a criminal complaint states. The employee handed over cash, and the man left. A store manager told police the register was short more than $1,700.

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The complaint states the same man returned to Walmart on Nov. 25. The man told an employee to give him money while motioning to his waistband, and the employee said she feared he had a gun. The employee handed over money from the register, and the man left. Court filings state $155 was taken.


Later that same day, per the complaint, the man returned to Walmart, put his hood up and walked into the money services department. There, police said he demanded money again – but did not get any and left. An employee told police the man said he had a gun – but when she asked to see it, he “looked shocked.” No gun was shown during the encounter.

The man then walked through the parking lot toward Kohl’s, according to prosecutors. An employee there also said a man tried to rob her, and the employee saw the man walk into a nearby apartment complex. Surveillance video from Kohl’s showed a man wearing the same coat and baseball cap as the suspect in the Walmart incidents. 


Police went to that apartment complex and showed someone a photo of the suspect. The complaint states that person identified the man as Bechler. Another officer responded and arrested Belcher.

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Police interviewed Bechler on Nov. 26. He said, per the complaint, that he “uses crack cocaine” and robbed and tried to rob Walmart and Kohl’s to get money to celebrate his birthday at a casino. He said he used some of the stolen money to buy crack cocaine, and identified himself in surveillance video from each incident.


Bechler made his initial court appearance Nov. 30. His cash bond was set at $500.

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