Milwaukee, WI

The average win projection for the Brewers is 78.5 games. Will it be more or fewer? Give us your prediction.



This season, more than any other in recent memory, is filled with question marks for the Milwaukee Brewers.

The pitching staff will look different than it has in past years, when it was among the very best in baseball. The lineup is filled with recent additions such as Rhys Hoskins and Gary Sánchez while young players like Jackson Chourio and Sal Frelick will hold important roles.


And, of course, there’s a new lead man in the dugout as Pat Murphy replaces Craig Counsell as the manager after eight seasons as Counsell’s bench coach.

What are your expectations for the Brewers this year?

We want to know what you think of the 2024 Brewers one month before they take the field for opening day March 28 at Citi Field against the New York Mets.

The average projected win total from Vegas, Baseball Prospectus’ PECOTA projections and FanGraphs’ projected standings is 78.5 for Milwaukee.

Will the Brewers finish higher or lower than that? Fill out the survey below to voice your opinion. We will publish the results of what readers’ expectations are for the squad in the coming days.


Predictions from the Journal Sentinel’s Brewers coverage team will be coming as the season nears, as well.

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