
‘She was beloved’: Kansas City Zoo mourns loss of trumpeter swan



KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV) – The Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium announced the loss of one of its birds.

Mabel, a trumpeter swan who had been at the zoo for five years, passed away at 13 years old due to renal failure.

Mabel, a trumpeter swan who had been at the zoo for five years, passed away at 13 years old due to renal failure.(Kansas City Zoo)

“She was beloved by staff and guests…Mabel will be remembered for her gentle personality, love of lettuce, and excellent nest-building skills,” the zoo stated. “Her care team says that Mabel would bury her eggs so far in the nest, they were hard to find. She will be dearly missed by all.”

During their time together, Mabel and her habitat companion Melvin produced 13 cygnets, some of which were released back into their native range to increase the population. The KCZoo participates in the Trumpeter Swan Restoration Project, which helps reintroduce this species into its natural habitat.


Trumpeter swans are monogamous and the KCZoo will be working with the Association of Zoos & Aquarium’s Species Survival Plan (SSP) to pair Melvin with a new mate.

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