
Summer Series: Sit-Down with Iowa State quarterback Rocco Becht transcript



Photo Courtesy of Jacqueline Cordova / CycloneFanatic

Cyclone Fanatic publisher Chris Williams had a sit down interview with Iowa State head coach Matt Campbell for the new Summer Series doing a deep dive into Iowa State Football.

Here’s a full transcript of the interview.

Chris Williams: All right up here in Ames, and we continue on our summer series looking ahead to the Iowa State football season. We’ve got the man Rocco Becht. How you doing?


Rocco Becht: Good man, I’m excited.

Williams: I’m excited to have you on. This is fun. I’m looking forward to getting to know you a little bit more.

Becht: I’ve never done a podcast like this before. So this is pretty cool. First one ever.

Williams: Well, you grew up most of these coaches, like we guys our age, we didn’t have podcasts. It’s like, that’s like, the only media you knew, probably, yeah, like growing up.


Becht: “I listened to, you know, podcasts here and there, but I mean nothing like visually, or, you know, on the radio, but just like on the iPhone.”

Williams: Okay, so when you’re you have a 30 minute drive, yeah, what are you popping on?

Becht: “Um, probably just music, podcast-wise, I have been listening to Tom Brady’s podcast.”

Williams: Oh, okay, I like that a lot. I haven’t listened to that is it pretty good?

Becht: “Yeah, they did like episode every season, every week during the season.”


Williams: So there’s a worse – I mean, you could be listening to worse people as a quarterback.

Becht: “Exactly. So I thought that was pretty cool that, you know, just listening to him and figure out what his in and outs of the game are. Yeah.”

Williams: How have you enjoyed your dad’s season? So we’re going to have to play this one Aiden before Sunday, just so you know. But Dad’s got the battle hawks in the playoffs. The Iowa State ties to the St Louis battle hawks have made me a fan of that league.

Becht: No, it’s definitely interesting and fun. Because when I go out there and visit them for the games, and, you know, we stay at the same team hotel as them, me and my mom. So you know, the night before, I’m able to, you know, see Mike (Rose) and see Hakeem (Butler) and see Willie (Harvey) and all them. And, you know, they’re the same guys when they come up here. So it’s cool to, you know, go down and see them and, you know, you know, see them play in the game.

Williams: What kind of a, how would you describe the football in that, in that league, from like, a stylistic standpoint, for those who haven’t been able to watch it much?


Becht: Yeah, I would say it’s, it’s very, it’s very intriguing. The football-wise, football aspect of it, I think it’s the same, you know, I think it’s, there are a bunch of spread offenses. I’m sure that a bunch of those OCS in this league, in that league, don’t really want to run the run the ball a lot. But, yeah, it’s been a passing League, and there’s some good quarterbacks in there, you know, the battle, I say, of AJ McCarron, so that’s pretty sick and but, you know, from what I’ve seen, I think it’s pretty cool. The rules as well in it are different than the, you know, the NFL in college, where there’s no extra points. You either go for one, go for two, or go for three, which I think is cool, because it takes, you know, I don’t want to see an extra point, that’s boring. So then, you know, they just pick out one, two or three, and then, you know, makes the fans more intrigued and engaged in the game. So I like it.”

Williams: Well, you’re in, you’re in for an interesting off season. I’m fascinated by all the weapons on this on this offense.

Becht: “Me too.”

Williams: Well, you put out a tweet the other day about the the wide receivers that were on the Pro Football focus, what a- and then you got, like, a 8-foot tall tight end to throw to. You’ve got, you guys are so deep, like, how, how excited are you?

Becht: “I’m excited. I mean, you listed Ben and some of the receivers, but, I mean, our running back room is stacked as well. We’ve got, you know, Carson Hanson is going to be a big dynamic bag for us in the passing in the running game. Abu (Sama) just coming back after what he did last season, and, you know, the transfer from Eastern Michigan, Jalen Jackson, so that, you know, those three guys alone with our incoming freshman that we had Dylan Lee come in the spring, who did a, you know, a phenomenal job in the spring for us, but having those four guys in the running back room as well as you know the guys that you said, I’m excited about it.


Williams: So walk me through you as a quarterback. So you go into last year, you’re in a you’re in a quarterback battle with JJ, you end up winning the job. You have immediate success, like right? Well, not immediate

Becht: “Yeah, ups and downs.”

Williams: Yeah, offense took some lumps. We but at the end of the year, the season is seen as this giant success. What has like that after that game against Memphis? Up until now? What has been your biggest focus as a quarterback?

Becht: “For me, I think it’s the precision and detail of the little things. I feel like that’s what killed us a lot in the games that we had lost, because there was a lot of games this season that we had lost that we were in the game in the beginning, and it just kind of fell away from us at the end. And so I feel like it came down to the precision and detail, missing emotion, not motioning them on time when people get set, you know, knowing that getting off a concept quicker. And so for me, that was, you know, my biggest thing I wanted to work on throughout the spring, which I thought I got, you know, better at. But just as a team, as a whole, I feel like we all can work on that as the precision and detail of things, and everybody’s agreed, and everybody’s, you know, done their their things properly. And. I love the work that everyone put in in the spring, and especially with the coaches and, you know, some new guys in the coaching staff in the rooms, and so I’m excited about what, you know, we’re able to do in the summer and then coming up in the fall. But those were probably, that was probably the biggest thing for me.”

Williams: Nate Scheelhaase goes to the NFL, Mouser gets promoted. What was your reaction to that?


Becht: “Man, I love mouse. I was excited about it all, but, and then there’s the other side of it, you know, I was upset – Coach Scheelhaase also was my first OC as a starting quarterback. And so I felt like I had gained a relationship with him towards the end of the of the season where, you know, I thought I was going to get, I was comfortable now, so I was going to get another year with him. He understood me under I understood him, and so I trusted him, and I felt like he had trusted me. And so we seeing him leave was, you know, honestly, tough, but I love Coach mouse, and he’s such a family and energetic, joyful guy, where it’s easy to, you know, to like him. And so he’s done a great job with me, and in letting me engage in the offensive staff room and having my opinion, you know, on the table for him. And so that’s what I’ve liked about him, is he’s, you know, full, fully open to whatever I have, you know, to say.”

Williams: So again, you’re going to have- you’re going to get asked, like, about the personnel and x’s and o’s and all that stuff all summer. I want to get to know you a little bit more when you are, like, give me 13, 14, 15-year old Rocco sitting around on a Sunday. Who who are, who are your football heroes? I know Dad’s probably one of them, but who are your who are some of the guys that were you’re the ones you looked up to?

Becht: “Yeah. So I was a Bucks fan growing up and I loved, I loved Vincent Jackson as a receiver. Quarterback-wise, I was a big Russell Wilson guy. That’s why I wear No. 3 when he was on, you know, his early days of sitting on that. Okay, I loved Russell Wilson when I was younger, and so he was a big idol for me on how he threw the ball and how he, you know, layered it down the field and through, through his deep balls. And so I kind of looked up to him a lot, but also in the league. I mean, I was more of a, you know, a guy who just focused on my team, the bucks, and kind of just like the players on that team with, you know, Mike Evans, and when he came into the league, I was younger than still, but him, Vincent Jackson, but I really just focused on the Bucs, to be honest. But there are some guys also in the league that I like to like.

Williams: “So you were a bucks fan when the Brady era?

Becht: “Yeah, I was, I was. Nobody can say I was a bandwagon, because I was a Bucs fan before long, back before Tom Brady got there.”


Williams: And you guys got to go back to those, those unis with the light orange, with the old school pirate, that’s knife in his mouth.

Becht: “I think we wore them one one game this year against the lions. Yeah, so that was pretty sick.”

Williams: Those are some of the great uniforms in NFL.

Becht: “Yeah, some of the throwbacks are awesome, but I didn’t like the their old their old jerseys, the newer, older jerseys. Yeah, it was, like, more modern. I didn’t really like those.”

Williams: See, I’m a Vikings fan. I’m old enough to remember when y’all were in my division. Did you know that the bucks were in the NFC North?


Becht: “I had no idea.”

Williams: The year the Vikings went 15-1. It was 1998 What year were you born? 2003 Vikings? Yeah. Vikings went 15-1. The bucks were the only team that beat him that year.

Becht: “I had no idea.”

Williams: “There you go, NFL history, little trivia, right there.”

Becht: “Thought I knew a lot about the bucks. Guess not.”


Williams: So do you have a relationship with Brock Purdy?

Becht: “Um, I would say a relationship where he’s been kind enough to, if I have any questions about anything, I’m able to text him and you know, he’ll get back to me within a couple days, and which is awesome, because I’ve met him. I met him once on my O.V. and then I met him when he came for the Kansas game during his bye week. And he’s such a nice guy, such a humble guy, and he’s also a guy that, you know, I want to look up to, and here at Iowa State, just because of what he’s done, but I’ve, I have a connection where I’m able to, you know, to text him about whatever, and he’s able to get back.”

Williams: Yeah, because it feels like he a lot of those, believe it or not, before, before you came here, we had this thing at Iowa State where the Sundays weren’t that inner, you know, Iowa State fans, or Iowa State fans, right before they are an NFL team in general, like me, I’ll watch a, oh, the Jets are playing, and I’m gonna Watch it, because of Breece and will, like, that’s my favorite team right now, because those guys and we didn’t, we just didn’t have that for the longest time. Brock and those guys come through. And it felt like, to me, kind of knocked down the door for a lot of you guys, for.

Becht: “Sure, in the future, no, definitely what he’s been able to do here, and what in the NFL, and how he’s been able to pave his his path. I feel like a lot of guys here want to follow those, follow those footsteps, not even Brock, just, you know, Breece and you know what Allen Lazard has done. And, yeah, those guys so.”

Williams: Okay, off, off topic stuff when you are I got the new Jalen a little bit last Summer and he was telling me about all the fishing that him and and Higgins do have they got you out on the pond at all?


Becht: No, they try to. I’m not much of a pond guy. I’m not a fishing guy. I can’t. I don’t have the patience to go sit out there and wait for a fish to catch on my line. I’m more of a golfing guy.”

Williams: I could see that.

Becht: “I like the golf. Fishing is just not my type. I can’t, I can’t do fishing.”

Williams: How long have you golfed?

Becht: “Um, you know, I’ve been golfing since I was little. But, I mean, I haven’t golfed this much since, you know, ever, as soon as I got to Iowa State, there’s guys on the team that love the golf, a bunch of the tight ends, really, and some of the quarterbacks. So I would just go out with them. And then ever since I got here, I’ve been golfing, you know, in the summer, probably, like, four times a week.”


Williams: So like, where do you play it? Where do you- Coldwater?

Becht: “Coldwater, we golfed. I used to golf a lot of Veenker. And there’s a course down in Boone, Honey Creek.

Williams: Oh, yeah, I love Honey Creek.

Becht: “I think it’s a nice course for where it’s at-“

Williams: Well, and the thing about it is, you can, you can, you don’t have to be as precise, no, yeah, compared to cold water will drive you crazy, because you think you have a great shot, and then it just keeps rolling.


Becht: “I know. And right now, the weeds got really they’re really high right now. And so during those links courses, man, yeah, during the during the winter, when we would go out there this year, like the grass is cut, nothing’s there. So I could hit it right or left, and I’m fine, and I could get a par and but now there’s weeds everywhere, and I can’t really feel my ball that easy.”

Williams: I’m not kidding. Ike, I quit golf for like, 10 years after a round at Veenker.

Becht: “Veenker is tough. Oh, it’s under it’s underrated for how tough it is, because there’s so many different elevations, and you gotta- there’s, I think there’s a point where on the front nine, you don’t hit your driver for four straight holes if you- if you can bomb it, yeah. So, I mean…

Williams: I think I lost like 19 balls and 18 holes there, and it forced me to quit the sport. And I played in high school.

Becht: “Really?”


Williams: I’m not good, but I golfed in high school. Yes, I’m not a good golfer, but I am an adequate golfer who, if you give me, like a decent course, I can go out and be at least keep it in the fairway, and just- Veenker forced me to quit the sport.

Becht: “Yeah, there’s thing that’s different about up here, too. And then down south in Florida, there’s a lot of water on the courses down south. There’s not a really, you know, a good amount of water up here that I’ve seen that can become a hazard.”

Williams: Well, and the grass is different, too.

Becht: “Yeah, texture. I actually love the grass up here. And really, because I like playing down in Florida, because it doesn’t get as thick. It feels like it doesn’t, but just, I think up here, it’s more like, there’s some courses down in Florida where it’s, like, super firm, and so, like, there’s, if you hit it, you gotta pure it off the fairway, because it’s just so hard here. I like it because it’s just a little it’s like turf, it’s a little more fluffy.”

Williams: Y’all gotta watch, right, for gators and stuff down there too. Yeah, I that’s happened. That happens quite a bit when those little ponds, right?


Becht: “They come up and out there is- I actually know a Gator call, so when I go down there with my boys, I like, I try to do my Gator call and try to call one up.”

Williams: Really? What’s a gator call. I honestly didn’t even know this is a thing. They like come to a sound?

Becht: *Does gator call*

Williams: That’s a gator call, really?

Becht: “Yeah, my dad actually taught me that. So he’s not a big nature guy either, but he does know that.”


Williams: Holy- yeah, learning something new every day. Yeah, I like to eat Gator.

Becht: “I do too, yeah, it’s good. Tastes like chicken.”

Williams: It does, like, a spicier, yeah, like a little darker meat of a, like, of a chicken is good. So, okay, I want to look forward to, you know, what you have coming up this year. Before we do that, we are going to do something really cool that we’re kind of hopping in on with you on July 13, and we wanted to announce it here that you’re going to do a camp in the community of Perry that obviously had a really tragic event happen there with the shooting. Why are you choosing to do this? And then we’ll talk a little bit more about it. But why does this mean so much to you?

Becht: “Yeah, so ever since I was little, my dad has always held a camp, um, at his high school in Philly and down down south in Florida, where we live, and his big motto is just giving back to the high schools, giving back to the community. And I was blessed enough to have a year, have a year like I did, and I’m able to put on my own camp now, and that’s why I’ll be doing, you know, like you said, July 13 at Perry, and I wanted to give back to those, you know, in that community, for, you know, all the things that they’ve gone through in the past couple months and, you know, the beginning of the year. And so I’m holding a camp there for, I believe it’s any, any any child at the Perry high school or middle school or in the community, all funds paid for. So the biggest information is giving, finding ways in areas to give back to the community, whether it’s in Ames back home, where I live, or, you know, other parts of Iowa. Because I think that’s just. The biggest, the biggest thing for me, and that’s how I was brought up.”

Williams: So we’re going to do CycloneFanatic is going to cover all the T-shirts for all the participants. And then the other cool thing is, we’re going to make these shirts available so that fans can just purchase them, and then all that money will will go back to the community of Perry, and that’s awesome. All the victims from that too. So this, and we’re going to come and do a show from there. We’re going to do one of these live.


Becht: “There we go live – I love that, yeah.”

Williams: Because we can get, I got that, like, Starlink internet. You heard of that?

Becht: “I have not.”

Williams: It’s sick. It’s, yeah, it’s, it’s insane. It’s like, you set up this, like, satellite dish, and you got high speed internet from anywhere. Yeah, we’re going to come down and interview you, and a bunch of your teammates and stuff are going to be down.

Becht: “Yeah, yeah. We’re going yeah, I’m going to bring down 10 of the guys to help me come down and do the camp for me. And so I’m excited about it. I’ve played. I planned this about a month ago, and, you know, me and my dad and my mom, we’re excited to, you know, hold this. And for me too, it’s just giving back, like I said, and so I’m excited.”


Williams: I want to run a route that day, see if you can hit me on a post.

Becht: “No, yeah, give me a post. I’ll put it up in the air, deep, long, and let you run.”

Williams: And I guarantee I will trip over my own feet trying to, trying to catch the ball. No, I, you know, I, I thought last year was one of the most fun years that I’ve ever had, covering the cyclones, just because I thought you guys would be pretty good, because I was talking to the coaches, and even with all the crap that happened in the off season, it felt like they were really confident in just your guys’s group as a whole. And then, man, like you get the game four or five on and that was as much fun as I think I’ve had, because you guys, you were just a blast, and you all seem so interconnected. And then you’re bringing back, what 19 starters you’ve had these pieces. How excited are you as one of the leaders of this team, to just have that, not only the talent, but it feels like you guys are all really good friends, too.

Becht: “We definitely are. It’s a, it’s honestly a privilege to come back as a leader, to play for Campbell and just lead the pieces that we’ve had coming back. And so I’m excited. And you know, what we’ve really focused on is each game at a time. And so we’re obviously, our goal is the Big 12 championship. And you know, we’re that’s really not where our focus is. We want to, we want to win each game every week, and focus on those games and, you know, just be precise in the precision and detail, like I was talking about earlier. And so those are the biggest things for us. But I’m truly excited with everything we’ve got, especially, like you said, the pieces that we’ve added from, you know, the transfer portal, and, like you said, how we’re connected and all that, I feel like that’s, that’s what Coach Campbell has done for the past, you know, couple years since, you know, the beginning, the end, or the end of, you know, Brock’s era. I feel like everybody has just had a connection with each other. No matter you’re a walk on a scholarship guy, everybody got their own little relationship with each other, and so I feel like that’s special in that a lot of schools don’t have that.

Williams: Well, how much of an edge does that give you guys with all the returning players? Because it just feels like this era of college football, it’s gonna be pretty rare, yeah, to bring this many starters back in the future.


Becht: “Well, I mean, for us last year, we played, I think we had another category where we played one of the most. We’re the teams that played one of the most, like freshmen, yeah, like freshmen on the on the field. And so we’ve got a lot of young guys, and 19 out of you know, those 19 starters, a lot of them are young. And so that’s probably the biggest thing for us. And why we’re excited is because not a lot of them are are older, but a lot of them are younger, and you know, athletes that you know will progress in their game every single year, and you know, be good for us. So that’s, I think that’s the biggest, you know, reason why we’re excited about having all these guys back.”

Williams: I’ll just come out and ask you, I mean, you all have opportunities to leave now and to go out and test the market and whatever. It’s just a weird era that we’re in. Why? Why were you so adamant about coming back to Iowa State?

Becht: “No, this is a place where, when I committed, I was committed to the place. And so I don’t, I don’t think that coach Campbell, or when I was talking to him during the recruiting process. Whatever he said, what I was hearing from the guys that were here already is, everything’s true, you know, he doesn’t lie about anything. He doesn’t put, you know, fake stuff out there. Um, everything he says is truly, you know, what he means and what he represents. And so I love this I love this place because it’s like a family, you know. I feel like here at Iowa State, it’s just different than everywhere else. And I do believe that, even though I haven’t seen any anywhere else, but, I mean, that’s just my opinion. I feel like it’s so strong here, the bond and, you know, the family of this team, it’s, it’s remarkable about, you know what? It’s the reason why I stayed, because I just like it so much here.”

Williams: Yeah, and I also think, too, here’s a weird there’s a weird thing about Ames. I’ve been around here about 20 years, and I never wore the colors, but I’ve talked to enough guys, the Niang’s, the Purdy’s of the world. They come back- right. Like it. Tyrese Haliburton is a great example. He was here for two years. In every offseason, he finds his way back to Ames. What is it about this place?

Becht: “It’s so, I think, just like inviting, I think this place, it’s inviting to, you know, the people on the outside and the people here in this community are so generous and so so kind. It’s, you know, I haven’t gone to a town like this where everybody’s nice. I haven’t kind of gone out in public and somebody’s been rude to me, so that that’s, that’s good, but you know, this, like I said, it’s just inviting to, you know, the outside, and that’s the reason why I feel like all these guys come back, it’s just because it’s a play, it’s a second home.”


Williams: I wanted to ask you about a couple of your a couple of your teammates. The first of all is Eli Green, who I don’t I don’t know a lot about him. I know everybody’s really high on him. I know he got rated by pro football focus at the top, which put out your your tweet the other day. What have you seen from him? Like, what? What makes him such a intriguing prospect going into this year?

Becht: “Yeah, Eli’s a savvy guy with the OTA’s and the, you know what we’ve been able to do out on the field so far with him throwing the ball to him. He’s just a guy where he’s kind of like a Jaylin Noel in the slot, where, you know, he’s he can make a seam route, or, you know, a post or a glance route, and he could take it to the house. He’s just a guy like that where he can make a guy miss and he’s gone. So having a guy like him next to Jalen is it’s going to be, it’s going to be awesome for me during the season, because I’m going to have those two guys to throw the ball to. But he’s such a nice guy, a humble guy. He actually golf’s a lot, too. I’ve, I’ve already been golfing with him a couple times, and he’s pretty decent. He’s pretty good. So I was excited about that when I heard that he played golf.”

Williams: Who else golfs with you?

Becht: “Man? Um, Ben Bramer, we’ve there’s like five tight ends that golf.”

Williams: He’s got to have long clubs.


Becht: “Yeah, he actually just shot, shout out to Ben Bramer, he just shot up plus five at Coldwater.”

Williams: Oh, that’s tough. that’s impressive.

Becht: “Yeah, that was really impressive. So shoutout to Ben.”

Williams: Like a true plus five?

Becht: “True plus five, yeah.”


Williams: And you guys aren’t using the old foot wedge?

Becht: No, no, no. Mulligans. PGA rules, okay, PJ rules, um, but you know, there’s a bunch of tight ends, a bunch of receivers – Jalen and Jayden, they started playing golf. Jalen. Jalen is pretty good, actually. He started playing last summer. Jayden is getting into it. He’s not there. He’s not there yet.”

Williams: You guys are all like little mini NFL players, because that’s all they do. But Sage Rosenfels is a buddy of mine, and he he’s told me about the NFL like, how they just, they get done with their training camp by like, 10 o’clock, and then they just all go out and golf all day.

Becht: “We love it. I think it’s so much fun to go out there with the guys and just hang and play golf. I think it’s the funnest thing ever.”

Williams: So I’m really intrigued by Green because, again, I just feel like he’s a guy I don’t know much about, but Beni (Ngoyi) was the one at the end of last year where I’m like, that dude’s a freak. Like, I don’t know when he’s gonna burst out of his shell, but I’m calling my shot. He’s like, the next stud Iowa state wide receiver. Does he have a shot to have a breakout year?


Becht: “Oh yeah, for sure. I definitely think so. Well, he was able to put on tape at the end, especially in the Memphis game when he, when he made that, you know, that catch over the shoulder for about 40 yards, I think. I think that was when I believe that was, like his second play in the game. So I believe that’s when the coaches, you know, really thought that, you know, they’re able to put them in, and he’s able to go to work and, you know, put something out there that’s special. And so he’s, he’s put in so much work over the off season and throughout this spring, because every, every day, I see him on the jugs with Jayden Higgins. So that’s a guy where he wants to follow the best, and he wants to be the best. And I’m excited for him coming up in this, you know, this season, because he’s going to get a lot of play time for us, and he’s going to be a difference maker for us.”

Williams: You mentioned one of my favorite guys who I think that has a huge ceiling. You mentioned him earlier as Carson Hansen. I mean, Sama had the record setting game against Kansas State, still one of my favorite games in Iowa state history. No, I was out calling men’s basketball, because I was filling in for John and Eric, because they were with you guys. And we watched that game from Florida, and it was, it was like 80 degrees and like, we had our hotel rooms open watching that game, and it was just snowing everywhere. It was just a but I think Hansen is a guy who most fans who aren’t diehards – a lot of our listeners are the die hard. But I think a lot of the casual fans don’t know how good he could potentially be.

Becht: “No, they don’t. What Carson brings to the table is, he’s so big and lengthy where he’ll run through a hole and, you know, he’ll knock he’ll knock somebody over. And so for him, he does everything right? He’s 100% on, you know, whatever he does, he’s he’s one. The leaders in the running back room, because everyone right now is, you know, they’re around the same age, and so one- they always have their, you know, there’s, they have their certain aspects and categories where they lead. And he’s one of those guys in that running back room. And so he’s been able to set an example of how they do, how they do the little things, right? And he’s going to be huge for us. I love him, especially in the passing game. I think he he’s my dog in the passing game. He keeps me protected.”

Williams: I love it. I mean, I think that he could be a huge weapon. I do too, receiving the ball too. What about this NCAA football game? You gonna buy it?

Becht: “I am, I am, I will, I want. I think it’s gonna be cool to play with myself and play with, you know, Iowa State. Yeah, that’s gonna be really cool. See how good my skills are as an OC and see-“


Williams: That’s where I’m all about. I like to do the the dynasty mode, you know, I actually, that’s my thing. I’ve, I’ve played Madden in the past, but, like, I never gotten into, like, truly, like, just, I want to go home and play video games.

Becht: “Yeah, I was never that guy.”

Williams: That’s good. That’s probably why you’ve been successful.

Becht: “Maybe I don’t know. I’ve always just wanted to go outside and play, but, yeah.”

Williams: That’s why you’re successful, because you haven’t had hours of screen time during your childhood.


Becht: “Possibly, that’s a credit to my mom and dad. I’ll only maybe, like, twice a week on EA Sports, because I feel like it should be really cool.”

Williams: It is interesting because now it’ll, like, have your name.

Becht: “Yeah, it’s gonna be super cool. It’s especially like, I’m gonna get to see, like, what they, you know, made my overalls and all that stuff. So I might be a little mad at some of it, but-“

Williams: I’ve already given Mouser crap because I was like, here’s the problem you’ve got now you’re gonna have this generation of fans that are going to be averaging 50 points a game with the Cyclones. And if you don’t, if you don’t live up to that, it’s on you. They’re going to be telling you what plays they’re calling.

Becht: “Oh, my. God, that’s gonna be hilarious. Actually, I haven’t thought about that.”


Williams: I’ve been pressing him, um, make sure he stays up to it. But I’ve known mouse a long time, and I’m always, I’m a, I’m a passing guy, yeah, okay, I’m a throw the damn football, if you can’t run it like, get it out there. I am a proponent of you throwing the ball 50 times a game and then letting the running backs eat off of that.

Becht: “There we go, I love that.”

Williams: just throwing it out there.

Becht: “He wants, he wants to throw the ball down the field this year. So we’ll see what happens.”

Williams: Well, you’ve got the guys.


Becht: “We do. We got Beni, we got Jayden, we got, you know, Isaiah Alston from Army.”

Williams: How’s he look?

Becht: “He looks good. He was, he wasn’t, you know, fully healthy during the spring, just because he was coming off his injury from army. But he’s, I believe he’s back to, you know, fully 100% and he looks good. He’s super lengthy, super, you know, he can jump, so any ball in his vicinity, I feel like he’s just going to be able to go up and get it.”

Williams: Well, I can’t wait. I think it’s going to be an awesome year. Appreciate you. Well, I’ll see you again in about a month. We’re going to be at your camp and hopefully raise a ton of money for the community of Perry through and again, if you’re a fan out there, you can support it by buying these T shirts. We’ll have all that information for you, please. That’ll be cool.

Becht: “That’ll be, yeah, I can’t wait for that, especially the camp. And then, you know, having you guys there as well. So it’s gonna be fun.”


Williams: And well, we’ll all be rooting on the BattleHawks coming up on here we go, Sunday.

Becht: “Sunday, 6 p.m. Central.”

Williams: I bet you that there’ll be a lot Iowa State fans that’ll go to that.”

Becht: “Man. I hope.”

Williams: I bet there will be.


Becht: “You got two guys that were, you know, stars in the Big 12, and at Iowa State. So hopefully there’s, you know, a bunch of Iowa State guys there. Cool.

Williams: Thank you for your time, man, this was, this was a lot of fun. Rocco back here. We’ll be at his camp in Perry on the morning of July 13.

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