Indianapolis, IN

Indy ‘Yellow Corp” drivers say they’re upset, but not surprised by layoffs



INDIANAPOLIS — The halt of one of the nation’s largest trucking companies has left around 200 people in the Indianapolis area without a job.

‘Yellow Corp’ has been in the freight carrier business for 99 years but the company suspended operations on Sunday, leaving close to 30,000 people nationwide jobless.

Indianapolis drivers tell WRTV they’re upset for all involved but unfortunately saw this coming.

“Definitely sad, but did it take us by surprise no. No, it was just the worst part was the waiting,” said Glen Brannon.


Glen Brannon has dedicated 20 years to Yellow Corporation trucking company.

“I had just got my 20 years in with the company three days ago,” he said.

He even runs a website called 2 Trailer Trucker keeping the roughly 200 Indianapolis employees and the nearly 30,000 employees nationwide up to date about the company, including a notice alerting employees that all company operations have ceased.

“As of noon Sunday, we were out of a job,” said Brannon.

Yellow’s intent to file for bankruptcy comes less than three years after it accepted a $700 million pandemic-era bailout from the U.S. government in exchange for a 30% stake in the company, according to ABC.


The company has also been working to reach a deal with the Teamsters Union which represents roughly 22,000 Yellow Corporation employees.

The Teamsters Union has done all they could.

Ryan Waggoner was a driver there for 23 years.

“It’s a hard pill to swallow,” said Waggoner.

He said, he’s mostly saddened by losing his “work family.”


“I am glad we got to be friends and stuff over the years and got to work together. We are keeping in touch with each other and hopefully get to work together again. Some people were close to retiring and are going to do that. I am happy for them, but for the young ones, and people who just started a family, I’m not too happy this happened to them,” said Waggoner.

“It’s sad that they have officially closed due to the fact the friendships we have made,” said Brannon.

As employees try to grasp abruptly moving on, Brannon said insurance will be extended through the end of this week.

“Thankfully, we have a week for everyone to get their medicines, make last minute appointments with their doctors and try to take care of their families and themselves the best they can,” said Brannon.

Brannon says as far as pension goes, that’s covered by the union.


Company officials have not responded to numerous requests for comment.

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