
Officer safety of high concern after recent accidents across Indiana and Michigan



SOUTH BEND, Ind. (WNDU) – The job of a police officer is unfailingly dangerous. In recent weeks, that danger appears to have increased, as multiple officers across Indiana and Michigan have been struck by cars.

Since January, we’ve heard of four officers from around Indiana and Michigan that have been struck by vehicles during traffic stops. An Indiana State Trooper was left in serious condition after helping a stranded motorist change a flat tire and a Michigan State Trooper was killed.

“Over the past couple weeks, and especially since the beginning of the year, the story has been whether it be state troopers that have been hit or seriously injured and killed or just police officers from other departments across the country,” said Sgt. Ted Bohner, with the Indiana State Police.

Unfortunately, it’s a scary sight that comes with the territory for the boys and girls in blue.


“It’s one of those things that we know one of the most dangerous places we can be is outside our cars on a traffic stop,” Bohner said. “That’s because we’re literally within feet of traffic that’s going highway and a lot of times interstate speeds.”

And even with most states having move over and slow down laws, it’s still a danger that these officers have to continuously think about before stepping out to help that vehicle on the road.

“You do think about it more,” Bohner said. “You check your mirrors when you’re getting out of your car, when you’re sitting and typing a crash report or that ticket or warning. looking in the rearview mirror, maybe put your seatbelt on in case you are hit while on that traffic stop before you get out of your car.”

But there are some things the public can do while driving to better protect our officers.

“We trust you every moment when you see us to do the right thing and slow down,” Bohner said. “I don’t want to be cliché and say our lives depend on it. But not only do ours, but your life does and the person we have stopped, or the crash were working, or the people whose flat tire that were changing. Everybody’s life depends on everyone doing the right thing all the time.”


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